The Almighty Spork Which Does us no Wrong.
If you think of the spork, what do you see? Do you see a simple utensil to eat your food? If so, many people would respectively disagree with your opinion. So many of us see that marvel known as the spork, as so much more. Let us consider firstly how the spork came into being. The apparent "parents" of the spork are, of course, the fork and the spoon. One useful in eating solid, stickable foods. The other good for liquid, less solid foods. Now let us consider the spork. Sporks are good in each of these areas, both spoon and fork. They have the gentle curved shape of the spoon and the sharp, prongs of the fork which enable it to do nearly anything.
Now, Sporks are considered a fashion statement. I know from experience. I went around for a whole day wearing a spork behind my ear. People who walked by always smiled in my direction. Sporks are great party favors for children. No one I know would want those little cars and toys. What can't a spork do? I honestly can't think of one thing.
The spork is one of man's most brilliant creations. The way people treat their sporks is wrong. They think "oh boy, a spoon" Who could mistake a spork for a spoon. (said with utter contempt for the spoon) The spork is so much more then that.

I have recently learned of the existance of a so-called "metal" spork. Isn't that amazing!!! a metal spork. One that cannot be so easily broken! one with so many uses! one that cant... melt!!! (unless at extream temperatures of course.)

I will one day find this metal spork and use it only for good.

let us continue. On halloween guess what i was? i wasnt anything. I couldn't afford a costume. DO you want to know what i did? Well, in order to fit in at an entirely witch costume party i made a mask out of a spork. How, you ask? simple. I followed these easy steps:

step 1- find a spork. (not a real fancy one or anything, your gonna color on it)

step 2-make sure your oven is turned off.

step 3- get a green marker, a red marker, a black marker, and some black construction paper.

step 4- color the back side of the spork green. add eyes with the black and full lucious lips with the red.

step 5- attempt to make a hat out of construction paper. ( i am not even going to try explaining this. good luck)

step 6- eat some skettios while waiting for it to dry.

step 7- hold your witch spork up to your face and... presto!!! youre a witch!!!!! really, it looks all professional-like.
Sporks are good for so many things it's unbelievable!

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