Dear Mr. President,

I am a proud American who supports your actions and policy supporting Israel. Your determination and persevrnce is admairable to say the least.

Despite International pressure against Israel and the United States, we cannot allow our friendship with Israel to suffer at the hands of anti-Israeli interests who have alterier movtives and hidden agendas.

As fundemneatle as our God-givin rights as human beings, and the for what United States stands for, Israel stands firm with the same beliefs and ideals of freedom, that United States have.

Israel has proven time and again, that they live for freedom, peace and dignity.

Israel is fighting a desparate struggle against terrorism. Israelis are suffering at the hands of terrorism at a daily basis. Israel is facing this situation with the best that they can do.

Israel is fighting Terrorism in the same aspect that we, the People of the United States are fighting.

Mr. President, we cannot let Israel down.  Israel has done so much that has been overlooked that its shameful that for all Israelis have done to promote peace and understanding is now forgotten.

The World has a biased opinion of Israel, and we cannot let that distorted view to affect good judgement.

I'm justa plain American who wants what some people want, to live in peace and freedom. Mr, president Israel wants the same thing, nothing more nothing less.

I implore you, we cannot allow our relationship with Israel to falter. The United States and Israel have so much in common.

Israel has the same values, the same morals, the same understanding as we do.

Mr. President, we must stand firm in our support for Israel.

Thank you for listening.
God Bless you Mr. President.
God Bless America.
God Bless Israel.


April 14, 2002

Open Letter to the President of the United States regrading to US support for Israel.