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Enough is Enough, An Open Letter to the President of the United States of America.
Mr. President,

The responsibility for the well being of the State of Israel and the security of the jews rests solely on the shoulders of the goverment of the State of Israel. Only they have the moral authority to decide how to defend the country and safeguard the destiny of the Jewish People. The Jewish people suffered enough when exiled 2000 years ago upon the destruction of the Second Temple. We were forced to wander from country to country where we were locked away into ghettos. Our oppressors always found it easier to subdue us when our living space was delegated to a small place.

In exile, the Jews were always exposed to both physical destruction and religious persecution by both the Christian crusades and IslamicJihad. These hateful attempts at exterminating the Jewish People came to their unbelieveble peak during the Holocaust. Hitler drew his ideology from Christian sources and sought the advice of the Mufti Husseini of Jerusalem, who eagerly became Hitler's partner in planning the "Final Solution" for the Jews. This was implemented with the unconscionable passive silence of the Western powers, The indiffernce of the Church, led by Pope  Pius XII of Rome, and the active aid of European nations. At this point, the national spriti of the Jewish soul exclaimed :"We've had enough".

There was some awakening of the wolrd's conscience after World War I. The League of nations recongnized the right of the Jewish people to Palestine as its national Jewish homeland. This recognition was confirmed by a decision of the United States Senate at that time. Even before this awakening of the international human conscience, Jewish Zionist awakening emerged towards the end of the 19th century. Jewish pioneers arose to reclaim the Jewish homeland and began returning to Zion in a great numbers. They found a desolate land, full of swamps, arid desert and dreadful diseases. It demanded massive efforts, devotion and sacrifice to bring the land back to fruitful life. Over the decades, multitudes of Jewis continued this
aliya from the lands of Europe andmoslem countries of the middle east and North Africa, all of which were soaked in Jewish blood. Both the Jewish homeland and the Jewish nation were reborn and flourished. This ingathering of the exiles was the realization of Biblical prophecies we longed for " For I will take you from among the nations and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land." (Ezekiel 36:24).

upon the declaration of Jewish independence in May 1948, we were invaded by the surrounding arab countries who would not accept a national Jewish entity in the Middle East. Even after recognition by the nations of the world and acceptance of the Jewish state as a member of the United Nations organization, our Arab neighbors woul not let us live in peace. Despite Arab sovereignty in large sections of the land of Israel, Arab terror continued to strike against the Jews. This arab terror came to its horrendous peak in the early 1960's, led by Yasser Arafat, who published the Palestinian Covenant that called for the total destruction of Israel. In 1967, the Egyptian President Nasser together with President Assad of Syria and King Hussein of Jordan moobilized their forces and declared their intention of throwing the Jews into the sea. We went to war on three front to prevent the destruction of our newborn Jewish independent state. Thank G-d we were able to defeat our enemies, defend our country and liberate the heart of the land of Israel. We appreciated the divine opportunity given to us to reunite Jerusalem and restore Jewish life to our ancestral towns and cities in Judea and Samaria. We felt especiallyl blessed to be able to return to Hebron, the city of Abraham, which was King David's capital city before Jersusalem. We finally broke out of the indefensible temporary ghetto boundaries of the state of Israel and reunited the Childern of Israel with the heritage of their fathers and prophets. Now the Jewish soul was able to proclaim "Enough of ghetto life in our homeland."

Never has there been precedent of a desolate and barren land suddenly flowering and blossoming. The State of Israel established its central positionin the world in the fields of agricultre, medicine, science, hi-tech and social serivces. All this as preparation for implementation of our destiny to bring a blessing to the nations of the world. We found ourself immersed in a Middle East of darkness and dictatorships led by cruel despots, who have kept their countries in a deliberate primitive state, despite their rich resources. The only beacon of light of progress and democracy is the State of Israel. This phenomenon of success and achievement aroused the jealousy and hatred of the surrounding countries even more. The leaders of the world got so used to relating Israel as a pariah nation that it was difficult to accept the miracle of a Jewish sovereign state coming back to life and beginning to undertake her role to bless the nations of the world with so many accomplishments.

O course, we, in Israel are very thankful and appreciative to our close ally, the United States of America, and especially to the people of this great democracy, for all the aid and friendship, before and after the establishment of Jewish independence. yet I must say that I've alwaysfelt as if American leaders have been saying to us, "OK - we've  recongnized the independence of Israel, but we didn't really mean that you be independent. We will tell you when and how you can dedend yourself, and wher you may establish Jewish communities in your own country."

Can it be true that the only great power in the World who reprsents democracy, human rights and courage at their best, would deny the basic rights of our people to bring Jewish lifes back to its ancient towns and cities and ensure the security of its citizens? Is it possible that it is dufficult task even for the USA to accept wholeheartedly the phenomenon of Jewish independence."

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