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Darren Carnall reviews

Below are a collection of reviews mentioning Darren:

A Star is Born in London's FOSSE! It's one of those true showbiz stories. A talented actor, fairly fresh out of Dance and Drama school lands a part in Chicago. And he's pretty good. But it's Roxie and Velma who walk away with the show, as it should be. Then comes Fosse, more of an ensemble show- and he's even better. In fact, he's terrific. London dancer DARREN CARNALL is a star discovered. He's elegant, he's lithe, he's funny, he's sexy, he's everything a star of FOSSE should be (even though, officially, there aren't any stars). He was first seen on London's West End as the Bailiff and the Court Clerk in CHICAGO- and anyone paying attention would have noticed his talent. But it's with FOSSE that he truly gets to shine. Darren sings the solo version of Razzle Dazzle and is featured in many principal dance sections of the show- and he is quite simply, wonderful. He was born in 1978, and trained at Betty Laine's dance school, just outside London.A supporter of Crusaid, the London Aids charity, he was featured as one of two backup singer-dancers to the marvellous Sally Ann Triplett (who was playing Grizabella in Cats) at The Talk of London.

Nan Knighton's libretto is admirably spare and moves the action along at some speed, with the help of David Shield's gantry-based setting, taking in not only the thrust of the film but also the tragic conclusion in which Tony’s friend, Bobby C., overcome with worry about the child he has fathered out of wedlock, precariously scales the Verrazano Bridge. As Bobby, Darren Carnall carves out a touching and believable character and his solo "Tragedy" is a real showstopper.
(SNF on Tour (Bromley) review = http://www.whatsonstage.com)

The success of Saturday Night Fever is down to the high-energy dancing - superbly choreographed by Arlene Phillips - and enthusiastic singing. The cast don't try to recreate the Bee Gees' sound but give the songs their own treatment. This works well, especially with a moving version of Tragedy by Bobby C (Darren Carnall). He's in turmoil because his girlfriend is pregnant and the lyrics have a poignancy I'd never noticed before.
(SNF in Nottingham review = http://www.britishtheatreguide.info/reviews/SNF-rev.htm)

As Bobby C, Darren Carnall's rendition of a solo number expressing his heartache and despair was outstanding, as reflected in the applause, which was greater and more heartfelt than for any of Mr Anelli's solos.
(SNF in Wimbledon review = http://www.indielondon.co.uk/theatre/t_sat_night_fever_newwimb_rev.html)

Special mention must be made too of the tragic Bobby C, magnificently played by Darren Carnall, who finds himself trapped with no one to turn to when his girlfriend becomes pregnant. His heartfelt rendition of the Bee Gees classic ‘Tragedy’ was sung with real emotion and perfectly portrayed his desperation - so different from the cheesy pop version of the song we’ve become used to.
(SNF in Milton Keynes review = http://www2.thny.bbc.co.uk/threecounties/theatre/2003/07/saturday_night_fever.shtml)

I saw Darren Carnall as Bobby C and he was the highlight of the show - a true star who gave every inch a charismatic performance to match and his rendition of tragedy was touching! A star in the making! (Francis, Glasgow)
I saw this show twice and was blown away by it, from the moment Stephane Anelli stepped on stage I was in awe, as for Darren Carnall he was amazing as Bobby C and his rendition of Tragedy is done with heartfelt emotion, the rest of the cast was amazing, the dancing and singing were fantastic, costumes incredible on a whole this was a hugely enjoyable way to spend a night and I would recommend that everyone go and see it. (Fiona, Dublin) (source=http://www2.thny.bbc.co.uk/threecounties/theatre/2003/07/saturday_night_fever.shtml)

The supporting cast are all excellent, especially Darren Carnall as the tragic Bobby C. However, even these performances are eclipsed by the songs themselves - to hear the Bee Gees' numbers sung in a dramatic context brought new life to them. 'Tragedy', sung by Carnell, is a revelation as a huge tear-jerking power ballad, laying to rest the cheesy version by Steps.
(SNF in Oxford review = http://www.dailyinfo.co.uk/reviews/theatre/Fever.htm)

The first half really failed to excite at all.
However, there was a turning point in the second half when Bobby (Darren Carnall) delivered Tragedy with the passion and charisma that had been previously lacking.
It was a great performance.
(SNF in Darlington review = http://icteesside.icnetwork.co.uk/0300entertainment/0600theatre/content_objectid=13538492_

"So far, so mediocre. But there's a star performance in store. Bobby, one of Tony's mates, has got his girlfriend pregnant. Played by Darren Carnall, he's a nervous, awkward teenager, who's out of his depth and doesn't know which way to turn. Cue a rousing rendition of Tragedy, which makes Steps look like the amateurs they were and Carnall proves himself a bright light in the world of musical theatre, who is sure to shine on once the flames of this take-it-or-leave-it show are long extinguished. Powerful and emotive, his stirring performance commands attention as he agonises over which path to take. Quite simply spine-tingling in its intensity, this scene is the highlight of the night."

Stephane Anelli, who played Tony Manero, had the walk, the talk and the dance routines to a tee. But for me the performance of the night came from Darren Carnall. He played Bobby C - the timid scared kid who got his girlfriend pregnant. He sang Tragedy so that for the first time for me, the true meaning of the words came true.

The Bee Gees classic Tragedy is used to great effect to illustrate the suffering of Tony's friend Bobby C (Darren Carnall).
His rendition of the song was powerful, emotional and for me the best delivery of the night.
Bobby C's solo number got a huge cheer from the audience

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