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Canadian Politics



    Honestly, what is so great about our Canadian Leaders. All that they have done is put Canada further and further into a debt hole. I'm from Western Canada where most Politicians don't do anything for us. The big thing I think that is quite stupid about the Policy of Canada is paycheck deductions. Income tax is my main beef because I mean take a person who works forty hours a week (the bare minimum) and then take a person who does over-time, say 50 hours a week. The person who worked 50 hours will get paid more because of over-time but standard law is the more money you make the more you are taxed. So therefore this law is teaching us to have a job but only to do the bare minimum. Also, Un-employment insurance. Every paycheck a little bit of money is taken out and put into your Un-employment insurance but if you are never fired, laid off, or you quit then you don't get to touch that money. Also all of your colleagues and yourself put this money into a pool. So basically your are paying for lazy Joe Blow to sit on his rear at home watching TV and drinking beer.  Also for small business owners they pay a small amount into a pension fund but that pension isn't for them it's all of their workers. Plus millions of other workers across the nation.

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