The Japanese seem to be very strange and intense people.  Obsessed to the point of mania by the things which they like..  The most money I’ve ever made by flogging my old records has been made from people in Japan, almost to the point where I’ve felt guilt over it (I said ‘almost’!)  You hear that things like water melons are really expensive over there and, yet, people are more than happy to send $100 in cash to a complete stranger on the other side of the world for a crappy indie-pop record from the 1980s.  Insane!  If I was a scrupulous, rip-off bastard, I could earn a fortune by just not sending them the records. I couldn’t do that, though.  I believe in karma too much to do anything dodgy and scummy like that.  It’s like with tape/zine trading – you put your trust in total strangers and it’s so nice when they send you something.  I’ve never had a bad experience trading tapes or zines yet and I’ve been doing it for 16 years (I’m sure it will happen someday, though).  Sometimes people send you things you think are shite, but I suppose that’s the way it goes.   the only person ever to have ripped me off in the underground music scene was a guy called Steve who ran Biscuit Distribution in the early 1990s.  I sent him about 20 tapes of my band at the time which he duly flogged and never sent me any money for.  He ripped other people off too.  But I find that people like that are few and far between.  The indie scene is hardly full of people with tonnes of money, is it?  Most of us are poor fuckers sending out lifelines to other drowning souls.

I’ve been having stomach problems lately.  Kind of an acid thing going on. Which can be really painful.  I bought some tablets from the chemists  which seemed to help. A lot of people I know suffer from this. Gaviscon is good.  I   was gonna buy that but it was DEAR and the Boots own make tablets were only 99p.  If they don’t ‘do the trick’, though, Gaviscon it is.  Unless I have an ulcer, in which case I am well and truly fucked.  Gaviscon always makes me think of the Glen Campbell song ‘Galveston’.  They should do an advert for it and use that tune as the jingle! I know that beer and cider don’t exactly help, but I also like soft drinks and curries, etc  which are also meant to be dodgy.  Last week it was making me feel all bloated and sick and I couldn’t eat.  It seems like nearly everyone I know has had stomach problems.  They run in my family too – ulcers and shit.  Oh dear.