<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/snookiethepoet2/zip_a_de_do_da.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Jason's Overalls

In a corner of a dresser drawer...
..the third one in the middle,
is a pair of little overalls...
they've faded just a little!
size seven small...a special pair,
..they've been there many years,
each time she holds them even now,
..she can't hold back the tears!
folded up and put away...
when her son had outgrown 'em,
safe inside her memory now,
..she'd never even shown 'em.
he's almost grown, he thinks it so...
yet time can't take away,
her precious memories from the past...
when he'd come in from play.
he'd put them on and say, "look mom",
..with that little smile he had,
"when I put on my overalls...
I look just like my dad!"
sometimes she thinks of how he'd grin,
with both his front teeth gone,
then wrap his arms around her neck...
the love in his eyes shone!
he's say, "I really love you Mom..."
..and then run out the door!
so many times she's wished that she,
could hear those words once more.
and she still sees him standing there,
all fidgety and proud...
his thumbs tucked in the little straps,
..his voice so raspy loud.
so, now and then...she'll take them out,
and hold them to her heart...
she'll close her eyes and see him then,
once more the tears will start.
those days are gone to be no more,
..yet his mother still recalls...
the shadowed image of her son,
..in his little overalls!

©C.E.Dale Manning,2004

Authors Comment ~ To you son, still our little boy!

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