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Spring is a Wonderful Season!

The sun is out and shining bright
It creates such a wonderful sight
It is food to the flowers, grass, and trees
now out come the animals, birds, and bees.
It's no longer cold,but warm and bright
I see not a single cloud in sight.
The snow is gone, it melted away
Now we can nicely go out to play.
The trees are growing leaves once more
And grass is covering the world's brown floor.
The flowers will soon begin to bud
And the old white ground will turn to mud.
But winter is gone, Spring is here
And I am glad summer is near.
Thank you, God, for the season of Spring.

Springtime is also a time to remember
How Jesus came, His life to surrender
He was spat on, mocked, teased, and killed
And so the prophecy was fulfilled.
He died for us, our sins to save
And then he was burried inside a cave
But in three days He rose again
And He was taken up to heaven then.
Now we rejoice and praise the Lord,
Eternal life is our reward,
He died for us and now we know
If we believe, to heaven we go.
I thank you, Jesus, for dying for me
And because Yor did, I am now free.
As we celebrate Easter may we remember You!!

©Jami Cramer

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