"This Was My Little Puffball"

This was my first dog.
I was a very young girl when my parents
brought me this beautiful white dog.
I named her LollyPop.
I have no idea how I came up with that name.
She was a Spitz and also had some French Poodle in her.
She was just a bundle of fur when I got her.
It didn't take me long to fall in love with her.
She would go with me all the time
and would sleep with me.
I think most all young boys and girls
let their dogs sleep with them,
amd a lot of let them even when they are older.
I was 16 when we had to put her to sleep.
She was mostly deaf by then and
when my boyfriend backed out the car,
she didn't hear it and
he didn't see her coming and hit her.This was in 1951.
He felt really bad but
it was an accident.
We took her to the vet,
but she had a mangled leg and
it would have to be amputated so
the vet thought it would
be best to have her put to sleep.
That was a hard thing for me to do since
I had her for so long.
If I had kept her,
she would of had to learn to use 3 legs
and he said she would be in pain most of the time
as she would probably hit the stub a lot plus her age was against her.
I certainly didn't want that.
She was my first wonderful,lovable pet.



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