<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/snow_genie_2001/forgoodt.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Warm Summer evening, no cars,
Dancing in the street
Under a million shimming stars
Two young people collide and meet.
We danced all night
As the chemistry grew
This period of time was our plight
Of this our Souls surely knew.
We met again in daylight
Deep dark eyes peered thru to my Heart
Firey volcanic heat
Raising my pulse to rhythmic beat.
Deep kisses drew Breath from my Lungs
Lightning flashing in clear blue skies
Only enhanced two Lovers ties
Feeling as if all Stars in the Heavens sung!
Sizzling summer days
Strolling the sandy beach
Oh so young and eager
For whatever Life had to Teach.
Till Friday evenings we could hardly wait
Joining others cruising the Town
In a Shiny Red Convertible
With the canvas top down.
If only we'd listened to the Words
The Gypsy had sung in her Song!
If only we'd fled to that farther Place
The Good Times might not  have
Turned so Wrong!
Come Winters first Snow
It came to a Conclusion
He left this Broken Heart
Filled with much Confusion!
I shed Winter tears
When it was all done
Now I know I should have smiled,
Celebrating we'd HAD that summer
Yes, just ONE!
Written by J. Z. Porter (c) 2001
All Rights Reserved
Midi: For the Good Times