Honey, this page will contain information for you.  It wont be linked and published.

This is order dances are linked in:
Fire dance
Want and Need
sa eela

This is the order slave pages are linked:

This is the order drinks are linked:
blackwine, first slave
Still need:  blackwine, second slave, ale, mead, and bazi tea.

Remember honey, if you make any change to a page, it has to be relinked.  Even if you are just resizing or moving something....any change at all.

I want you to research dances and list what we still need.  There is a lot of room left to add things.....  if one of the other girls would ever show up, they might get a chance to have a serve or a dance on here, but until then it will be you and tia.....autumn is a good dancer but I have a feeling she ran off again, the little slut.  and I have no idea about chynna.....her hubby probably threw the pc away.  only one dance page has a pic on it, the fire dance.  they all should have one, or none should.....

Also, I want you to tweak and tune the pages, making sure everything is centered that should be, buttons are level with each other and resize if you think they should be.....Click Format, page properties, and you sill see two boxes with numbers, width and height.....just increase the numbers by 100 each time until you are satisfied with the page.....then recenter and relink....not hard at all.

whatever you do, dont add anything to the guest book page....I had to add some html code and if you add from geocites, the page will corrupt.

each day I am gone, you need to check for additions to the guest book  I set it up so entries have to be approved before posted....that way, no one can put shitty remarks in the book.   to approve or delete:  log in and bring up geocities home page, click on enhance my website, website addons... then click on guest book and then approve submission and follow directions.....