Gorean dances serve two purposes.  One, to seduce those the girl is dancing for.  At the end of the dance, she was often used by those in attendance.  A well trained dancer can arouse and entice her audience with her sensual writhing movements.  The second purpose is the most important:  submission.  The girl dances for her Master, ending up at his feet, exhausted, submissive and totally his.
All the examples of dances you will see here were performed at the Snow Larl Inn for Lorn Aazar.  Each dance will be credited to the slave that performed it.  Dance is a form of self expression so no two dances of the same type will be exactly alike, even if they are performed by the same slave.
Dancing is an art, and like all forms of art, it takes practice to perfect it.  Some girls have a natural gift for it.  Others must work very hard to perform even the simplest of dances.  All the girls at the inn dance.  Some better than others but each one has their own style and all are enchanting.
If you wish to see one of the inn girls dance, speak to the Owners or the Keeper.  Should you wish to see a visiting slave dance, simply order her to.  As a Gorean Master, that is your right and privilege.
There is nothing coy or teasing about a Gorean dancer if the dance is of the scrolls.  The girl wishes to be taken, wishes to please, she wishes to excite them and twist them with torments of desire, and make them gasp and scream with pleasure!
Pg 192, Dancer of Gor