<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/snowyowlstar/bkisses.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Music Playing: Butterfly Kisses
Angels, Butterflies and Michigan J Frog
Kayleigh's Story
Click the picture to e-mail my Mommy
Kayleigh Virginia Martin     was born December 4th, 1996, after my husband and I had been married for two years and     suffered the miscarriage of our first child. Kayleigh weighed 7 pounds and 4 1/2 ounces,     and she was 20 inches long. She was perfect in every way we could see. Her APGARs were 8     and 9. Everything looked normal, but it didn't stay that way. She was born with a broken     heart, and in time, she would break mine.
Kayleigh's heart was about as defective     as one could get and still support life. She had a defect called Tetralogy of Fallot, and     Pulmonary Atresia, which meant, two holes in her heart, and an aorta that was misplaced     over the holes so as to circulate unoxygenated blood along with the oxygenated blood     causing her blood oxygen saturation levels to be way too low. Her lack of pulmonary     arteries and a pulmonary valve meant she would have open heart surgery in her first week     of life.
So, I checked myself out of the hospital     less than 24 hours after a C-section delivery, and headed over to the Children's Hospital     where they had taken my little girl for a heart catheterization procedure.&nbsp; She     looked like any other baby except for all the tubes and wires that were keeping her alive.     When they wheeled me in, I surprised them all by identifying where she was by her cry,     which I had never heard before. It just proves that mothers know.
They told us after her heart cath that she would need to go to Ann Arbor Michigan to     the Children's Hospital at U of M.&nbsp; There they would open up her heart and put in a     pulmonary valve and try to help her pulmonary arteries grow so she could have the full     repair when she was a little older. The shock is unimaginable. There is nothing like being     handed a diagnosis like this when you expected a perfectly healthy baby. The innocence is     lost forever.
She did well after her first surgery,     and I made my way around the giant U of M campus in a wheelchair, when I could be     persuaded to leave her side. She was home for Christmas that year, and I am eternally     grateful to the friends who captured her on video for us. She was so tiny and fragile, and     so beautiful. I knew from the first that she wasn't meant to stay, but I had hope. She     ended up back in the local Children's hospital on December 29th with two severe infections     which are usually found in Premature babies. NEC, necrotizing enterocolitis; and RSV     respiratory Synctial virus. Either one of them could have been fatal to her, but what     actually ended up happening was that she got the attention of the gastroenterologist who     helped her to be able to spend five months at home with us laughing playing and being a regular baby. I 'll never forget Dr. Preud'homme and all he did for my little girl.