Webelos II

Den Leader – Monte Dockter

Cub Master – Kurt Guenther

Den Meetings – 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 6:45 – 8:30 p.m.

Location: At Pioneer School Lunch Room Unless otherwise noted

Pack Meetings – 3rd Tuesday 7:00 p.m. ...... Pioneer School Lunch unless noted

Uniform-Blue or Gold Scout Shirt, Blue and Red Checkered neckerchief,Neckerchief Holder or ring

Book – Webelos Cub Scout Book

Parent's, please look at the book and notice the requirements

*Webelos requirements – Fitness Badge & 2 other badges and requirements on Pgs 415-417

20 possible activity badges, the Cub Scout can earn all or as many as you like.

7 possible rank advancements and special awards. Pg 413

Activity badges are colorful metal emblems you pin on the front of you Webelos cap or the Webelos colors, which are the gold, green and red ribbons you wear on your right sleeve.

**Arrow of Light Award is the highest rank in Cub Scouting. You need a total or 8 badges to receive this award. Requirements Citizen and Readyman Badges & one from each other group plus three extra badges.

Pg 23 PHYSICAL SKILLS ACTIVITY BADGE GROUP: Aquanaut, Athlete, *Fitness, & Sportsman

Pg 85 MENTAL SKILLS ACTIVITY BADGE GROUP: Artist, Scholar, Showman, & Traveler

Pg 155 COMMUNITY ACTIVITY BADGE GROUP: **Citizen, Communicator, Family Member, & **Readyman

Pg 251 TECHNOLOGY ACTIVITY BADGE GROUP: Craftsman, Engineer, Handy man, & Scientist

Pg 327 OUTDOOR ACTIVITY BADGE GROUP: Forester, Geologist, Naturalist, & Outdoorsman

The Boys include:

Jarred, Cameron, Andy, and Kaleb


Popcorn sales start October 1st. Part of the money that is made on the popcorn sales goes into your Cub Scout account. Do your best to sell as much as you can!!!

The October 17th pack meeting will be deocrating pumpkins. You will need to bring at least one pumpkin to decorate. We will donate the pumpkins to the Ronald McDonald house. We will have the responsibilities for the flag ceremony and clean up. Please wear your complete uniform.

The next den meeting will be on Tuesday, October 10th.


