Wednesday, 20 July 2005

I've seen that crappy Julia Roberts movie forty-seven times. Have you seen the lips on that woman? Like a baboon's ass on her face.

Term 3, Day 2 and not yet have I learnt a thing. The only thing I have had to amuse myself during school hours are reruns of The Simpsons in my head, playing over and over and over again. How I will never hate The Simpsons. You all may think it is childish to be watching cartoons but I don't. The issue was raised during today's Theory Lesson of Computer Studies when Alan, Daniel, Susan and I were discussing the topic of cartoons. And, now I have no choice but to list the reasons why I think cartoons are much needed in today's society.

  1. It is comic relief.

Well, there is only 1 but soon there will be more added to it. Anyway, the past holidays have mostly consisted of me at home, watching television. Oh how I miss television, if only I could watch television at school. And, the school days haven't been any better, although school may not seem fun, the past couple (2) of days have been alright. Both, of which consisted of either Sheila or I putting something down each others shirt. Not only that, Network Ten has decided to now show the missing episodes of Season 16, all of which started with 'Treehouse of Horror XV', last night on The Simpsons "Spooktacular". 2 hours of non stop Simpsons and the daily 6:00 Simpsons. Also, Nancy Cartwright appeared on Rove. My sources tell me, there will be a Simpsons movie, possibly to end The Simpsons forever. But, don't get discouraged, I'm sure Network Ten will show re-run after re-run.
Yes, I now come back to the topic of putting stuff down Sheila's shirt. Today, on our way to PE from Recess, Daniel found a Mini Boxing Glove, in which he later took apart. He detached the stuffing and gave it to me to put down Sheila's shirt. The first attempt was unsuccessful because she was suspiciously suspicious. I then waited for a chance after Computer Studies. We had Double Computer Studies today, so we had Practical first and then Theory after lunch. In the Practical Lesson, Phuc and John discovered a way for the computer to talk, so we had fun playing around with it. In the Theory Lesson, Susan's book mysteriously disappeared and she spent half the lesson looking for it. To clear things up, Alan was the first to take it, he then gave it to me, in which I gave it to Daniel. Susan then found out Daniel had her book and he then handed it over to me, under close Susan supervision. The trade was deemed a success as it went undetected by her. I then handed it over to Alan because she became suspicious of me, and from then on, Alan had it behind his back. Susan then received a book from Alan, in which Susan, Daniel and I all thought was Susan's. But to our disarray, it turned out to be Shane's book and not Susan's. The mystery of Susan's book was left unsolved until Mrs Bowen stepped in and told Susan to step outside. Alan hesitated and threw Susan's book underneath the table. The mystery was solved and we got on with our work, which we did not complete.
After Computer Studies, I had a clean sweep at Sheila as she walked from Food Tech. to History. I then snuck behind her and shoved the stuffing down her shirt, she then screamed, making a big scene. She then spent the entire History lesson scratching and complaining about the "rash" I had given her. When the bell rang signifying the end of the school day, Sheila showed us the extent of her injury, which would not have been that bad, if she hadn't been scratching it.
So, In theory it was really Sheila's fault for scratching till she got a rash. But, it was really my fault for putting the stuffing down her shirt. But, I was just doing that as revenge for the grass she had put down my back, on Tuesday. But, the only reason she did that was because I kept flicking grass at her as she sat there peacefully. Whoever's fault it was, nobody wins. But, in a more accurate way, I win.
We send our love out to you, Sheila. We hope you get better sooner than later so we can pick on you some more. I dedicate this song to Sheila and the argument I made for the viewing of cartoons.

Lois: It seems today, that all you see, is violence in movies, and sex on TV.

Peter: But where are those good ol' fashion values...

All: ...On which we used to rely?
Lucky there's a Family Guy!
Lucky there's a man who,
Positively can do,
All the things that make us,

Stewie: Laugh and cry!

All: He's

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