Friday, 12 August 2005

Are you Kate Moss? For someone with no breasts, you've done very well for yourself. Good for you.

What is this world coming to? Is Pok¨¦mon making its long awaited return into our lives? Is it so hard to accept? These are the questions that will be answered here tonight, as you sit in your comfy little chairs, reading this pathetic blog, that is my life. I will use the information obtained from Bass High's Year 10 Study Skills Day, to help answer these questions.
Pok¨¦mon is the evil brainwashing, childish franchise that swept the nation during the late 90's and the new millennium. Pok¨¦mon (Pocket Monsters) are the little, fuzzy things with cute names and triangular eyes. Pok¨¦mon are very passive and will allow humans to oppress them, abuse them, and force them to live in little red balls called Pok¨¦balls. In late 1997, it caused seizures to 700 children in Japan, alone. Was it the cartoon, or the game which attracted millions of children across the globe to lay on the floor and twitch wildly?
Pok¨¦mon is making its long awaited return into our lives through not only the television series but the forever growing series of Pok¨¦mon games, Fire Red and Leaf Green being the most recent of these. Although, the television series has seen its better days, it still continues to attract many viewers across the globe. It is dodgy and the writing could be better, with many more One Timer characters being introduced in every episode.
Team Rocket is always a let down, they are made out to be villains, yet in some episodes, you see them "rooting" for the other side. Do we really want our children to confuse good with evil? It is that, that makes me despise Team Rocket. The only thing worth waiting in an episode is the Team Rocket song they always seem to sing without interruption.
To prepare the world for devastation,
To unite our peoples, within our nation,
To denounce the evils of truth and love,
To extend our reach to the stars above,
Jessie! James!
Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light,
Surrender now or prepare to fight,
Meowth! That's right!
Yes, Team Rocket's rockin', Walkin' trouble, Talkin' trouble, Double trouble, Big trouble. This concludes my blog about absolutely nothing, so how many more children have to have seizures before the show is off air? Only time will tell, for now I bid you farewell, I leave you with what we all came to see, Hardcore Nudity!

Please, do not ask.

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