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Another World's Jensen Buchanan Aug. 11, 1998

  SODhost: Another World's Jensen Buchanan (Vicky) is here. Welcome, Jensen!

JENSEN BUCHANAN: Just want to say "Hi" to everyone! Thanks for being here...especially all of you who waited for me last time :) I appreciate all the well wishes, and just wanted to set the record straight that I did not have knee surgery. It was a minor operation that I was scheduled for. I was supposed to be in and out the same day, and it just became a little more complicated. But I appreciate everyone's support.

Vicjak_4EVER asks: I love Vicky and Jake together. Do you think that Marley is going to end up with Jake, or in the same place that Cindy is right now? Remember, VicJak 4 EVER!!! :o)

JENSEN BUCHANAN: Well, I love Vicky and Jake together, too, but it's always fun to have someone come and mix it up with. Ellen's [Wheeler, Marley] been great and we've had great fun together -- Ellen, Tom [Eplin, Jake] and myself -- and we want to keep the drama going. So although we'd like to see them happy, I'm glad to have an obstacle.

MushyT asks: Do you and Tom have a good working relationship?

JENSEN BUCHANAN: Oh, phenomenal. We are each other's biggest fans, honest critics and good friends. Tom is a really talented, creative artist. Temperamental sometimes, but brilliant most of the time. :) And I feel so lucky to have a chance to work with him.

Vicjak_4EVER asks: Is Vicky going to find out soon that Donna is responsible for the hit and run?

JENSEN BUCHANAN: I don't really know. Most people who know me, know that I'm not really a story monger. I just sort of take it as it comes and I love what this secret has given us all to play. As rewarding as it is when secrets are revealed, the tension they provide are a worthwhile tool in a story. And I think there are many of us in this story that are happy that it hasn't been revealed yet. It's given Anna Stuart tons of great stuff to work with.

Jensfan asks: Hi Jens its Marie. Are you back at work yet?

JENSEN BUCHANAN: Tomorrow is my first day back after two weeks off of forced rest. I'm so pleased that an actress like Cynthia Watros was able to fill in and I'm anxious to watch. But I'm also really happy to be back, and reclaim my part. :-)

another_world_fan asks: Are Vicky and Jake going to have a baby?

JENSEN BUCHANAN: Again, I really don't know. I think it's somehow going to be a part of a coming story but whether it really happens I really don't know the answer for that. I really have my hands full with two children :-)

Jensfan asks: Are you concerned about the cancellation rumors?

JENSEN BUCHANAN: I'd be lying if I said I wasn't concerned, but I think what I've read is reasonable. We have to get our numbers up. I think that anyone facing losing their job would be concerned, but we seem to have quite a bit of support from the fans, the network and P&G. So as an actor my only part in the picture is to do the best job I can everyday. Network decisions are out of our hands, but I think we're all somewhat concerned.

TLH_1989 asks: Do you like Vicky and Jake better just as friends, or married?

JENSEN BUCHANAN: I think we're friends who are married, and I like it.

doys1 asks: Jensen, will Jake and Vicky ever get out of the vacuum they are in, and interact with other residents of Bay City?

JENSEN BUCHANAN: I think Tom does quite a bit of interacting. In fact I'm hard pressed to find another actor on the show who crosses over with so many other actors. My interaction is somewhat limited because of my schedule, but I think the writers have done a great job interacting us as much as they have, given the scheduling limitations they face.

MushyT asks: Do you have any pets?

JENSEN BUCHANAN: I have a Welsh Corgie. His name is Tugger and I've had him longer than I've had my husband or my children. :-)

Rooleroo asks: Do you miss playing Marley? Was it hard to adjust to someone else playing Marley?

JENSEN BUCHANAN: Yes, I miss playing her, but I'm so happy to have Ellen playing her again. I think that when you're playing both characters -- when one person is playing both characters -- you're always holding back something from each of them, so you can save something for each of them. You're also limited by your life experience, so you can only bring one person's life experience to both characters. As challenging as it was as an actress for all three of us who have had the pleasure of playing both characters, to me it's a far richer situation to have another actress play my sister.

Bookittycalico asks: If you had any say in the way the character Vicki is being written, what would you change? What would you keep the same?

JENSEN BUCHANAN: I love the way Vicky has grown. She's a really smart girl, and to think that she would live in Bay City for all these years and not adapt is just unreasonable to me. She's just too smart. I love her doing the wrong things for the right reasons and that's always an area with this character that I like to explore.

another_world_fan asks: Jensen you are my favorite actress in daytime. I have watched you ever since you were on OLTL!


MushyT asks: Do you enjoy working with your on-screen sons?

JENSEN BUCHANAN: Oh very much so. Watching these boys grow as people and as actors has been fascinating. Spencer Clark's [Steven] a big movie star now, so we always have a lot of fun teasing him about that. And trying to get him to give up some movie set gossip. Sean [Rademaker, Kirkland] is a very natural little actor. And they're both just sweet kids with great moms.

Jensfan asks: Hey it's Marie :-)...are you doing any appearances in the near future??

JENSEN BUCHANAN: No. I never have been big on appearances. Only because my life is pretty busy right now. I always love a chance to get out and meet with fans when I can, but in the near future I have none scheduled.

TLH_1989 asks: Hi Jensen! This is Tracy from Nashville. Just wanted to let you know what a wonderful job you've been doing. Especially since the accident. Was it hard doing all those emotional scenes for so long?

JENSEN BUCHANAN: I love that kind of stuff. Whenever I pass Charlotte [Savitz, AW's executive producer] in the hallway I murmur, "Give me pain and agony!" :D I love pain and agony stories! They were painful and they were fun in a certain sick way.

kristine_70 asks: How will Donna deal with her daughters -- whose side will she choose? Vicky or Marley?

JENSEN BUCHANAN: I think it's unrealistic to think she will choose one or the other. Donna is a very complex character and she doesn't live in a black and white world normally, so I think if she struggles through guilt and loyalty and confusion and grief -- almost forgot about all the grief -- she'll probably flip flop back and forth. But in the end the Hudsons are a family and I can only think we'll find our way back to each other.

klutzy77 asks: Do you think Nick will ever forgive Vicky and actually be as close to her as he once was?

JENSEN BUCHANAN: HA! Forgive Vicky?! Vicky who stood by him when everyone else thought he had raped Toni! I have just about had it with Nick's attitude! He better be ready to ask me to forgive him for not forgiving me! :-D

kristine_70 asks: You gotta love Lila and Cass -- are Vicky and Lila done "hating" each other?

JENSEN BUCHANAN: I hope not. And I don't think so. We've been through so much together that I don't think you can just wake up one day and forget. On some level, I think Lila and Vicky have to respect each other's smarts. Maybe someday, and alliance is in the future. Who knows?

backstreeterin asks: First of all, I love ANOTHER WORLD. Do you think Marley is gonna succeed in splitting Jake and Vicky up? I hope not.

JENSEN BUCHANAN: Ultimately, I don't think so, but I'm really just guessing, I really don't know. But if it gives us another six or eight months of intrigue and mystery and great story, I'm ready for the ride.

coolkidd1 asks: Is Tom really as comical as his character Jake on AW?

JENSEN BUCHANAN: Yes. Sometimes I think he has to hold back, because let's face it, we're on national television. But Tom is a little more...hmmmm...just the right word escapes me...smarter than Jake isn't quite it. Maybe just more "Feet on the ground" than Jake.

nob3 asks: Are you and your family enjoying living in Vermont, or do you miss living in the city?

JENSEN BUCHANAN: I love living in Vermont. It's been the greatest thing for my boys. And I don't miss the city because I'm still here at least three times a week. I find I do and see more than I ever did when I lived here. But I am really a country girl at heart and I'm really happy to be raising my boys in that kind of environment.

SueluvsAW asks: Hi Jensen, do you ever ski in the Killington area?

JENSEN BUCHANAN: Well, I'm a big snowboarder now, and I do snowboard at Killington. You can usually find me on the bunny slope. I'm the one sitting down on the bunny slope! :D

kristine_70 asks: Will Vicky finally realize that Marley is manipulating everyone around her?

JENSEN BUCHANAN: Well, on the one hand I say, "I sure as heck hope so," since I go on and on about how smart Vicky is. But on the other hand I go back to what I said before about secrets and what they provide. So as agonizing as it is sometimes to not get, what seems to be right in front of your face, it really does make for a good story. I also believe in life that truth can stare you right in the face sometimes and if you don't want to see it, you don't see it. I'm sure there's some of that with Marley and Vicky.

Jensfan asks: Are you loving having a real sister again, like you did on OLTL?

JENSEN BUCHANAN: Absolutely. I loved working with Jessica Tuck [ex-Megan] and thought we had a wonderful sibling relationship. I'm so excited to have a chance to explore that with Ellen. I hope we're not always on opposing teams. But, I've just had tremendous fun investigating this relationship. It's far more complicated than my sibling relationship on OLTL ever was.

lauram16_98 asks: Have you thought about doing feature films, or are any in the works?

JENSEN BUCHANAN: I thought about it when I was 23 and not as experienced as I am now. Now my life has changed and I'm not as interested in living a vagabond kind of life and dragging my family all over. They say that timing is everything and now my responsibilities are to two little guys.

Ronnie_9094 asks: Jensen, you are my favorite actress! What do you like to do in your spare time?

JENSEN BUCHANAN: I like to mow the lawn. :D I love yard work. I like being outside. I like horseback riding. Cooking on the grill. Sounds glamorous, doesn't it? :)

Rooleroo asks: Do you have a special diet/exercise regimen to stay in such great shape?

JENSEN BUCHANAN: My life is my exercise. Lifting Angus, he's my weight regime :) and as far as eating goes, I eat the way my grandmother taught me, which is, everything in moderation.

lark89 asks: What is your favorite movie?

JENSEN BUCHANAN: Remains of the Day. There is something so romantic to me about a deep love that is never fully realized. I loved that movie because it was visually so beautiful, but I thought the performances were so delicate and achingly restrained. That's my favorite movie today :)