A little info about the Huntsville Soap Gatherin'...
The Huntsville Soap Gatherin' got started after Margaret and I (Tina) met.  Of course, we met through the ASM group, and being that we are both from Huntsville and we both loved soapmakin'.....we decided to have an informal soap shindig up here in North Alabama.  We had no intentions of making this a "formal" or "official" affair, we don't like "officialities" too much...we'll leave that for the June meeting.

I know that weather is a big factor in whether we have the meeting, since it is in the middle of winter, but, that's when
we wanted/needed it.  We want to make it a collaborative effort to restock our supplies after the busy Christmas season...what better time?

Some folks get our 'social' confused with the ASM offial business, but this gatherin' is its own entity, created by me & Margaret, and planned each year by us and the help of Beth H., Freda B., and Sydne S.
Basically, we are lookin' for an excuse to see all
of y'all again during the year.