TooMuchCoffeeMan - Comix for the caffeine-enhanced. Tres' hilarious!

GoCoffee - Great place to buy coffee and stuff for coffee.

The Coffee People
- If you have a chance to try their ice cream, do IT! You will be hooked, the stuff is fab. Mindbender & Double Bolt are my personal faves.

I'm not much of a gamer, but the ones I like, I'm addicted to.

Roller Coaster Tycoon - Create an amusement park, create rides (the best part), & try to keep the people happy.

Omikron/Quantic Dream - David Bowie provided music and helped create this game. Gain access to see Boz the Rider...who will you be when you die?

Diablo, Diablo II, Hellfire - Journey through the depths of Hell (been there, done that!) to help save a hapless town. Try Hellfire for new character classes and levels. I'm waiting on Diablo II, which has a release date of April 2000. Let's not hold our breath.

The Sims -I am completely addicted to this game. If only real life were this easy. Start families, fall in love, choose a career, move into your dream house. Once you try it, you'll be hooked.

Look! Yup, it's my gorgeous son, Adam, and wacky old me!