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By Boccaccio
The Induction Of The Author To The Following Discourses
Gracious Ladies, so often as I consider with my selfe, and observe respectively, how naturally you are enclined to compassion; as many times doe I acknowledge, that this present worke of mine, will (in your judgement) appeare to have but a harsh and offensive beginning, in regard of the mournfull remembrance it beareth at the verie entrance of the last Pestilentiall mortality, universally hurtfull to all that beheld it, or otherwise came to knowledge of it. But for all that, I desire it may not be so dreadfull to you, to hinder your further proceeding in reading, as if none were to looke thereon, but with sighes and teares. For, I could rather wish, that so fearefull a beginning, should seeme but as an high and steepy hil appeares to them, that attempt to travell farre on foote, and ascending the same with some difficulty, come afterward to walk upon a goodly even plaine, which causeth the more contentment in them, because the attayning thereto was hard and painfull. For even as pleasures are cut off by griefe and anguish; so sorrowes cease by joyes most sweete and happie arriving. 


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Last modified: November 23, 2000
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This Web was created by Cris Galvao in Goteborg, Sweden, North Europe( in case you never heard  about the place!) Whatever you pick up here in my pages are not my responsibility if is legal or not; I just link you to the sites, no more no less. I have nothing to do with other's people business. In the other hand, I'll certainly appreciated to be linked at your page or mentioned in case you use one or more of my own stuff (works shown here).
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Copyright © 2000 Cris Galvão
Last modified: November 23, 2000