The Demigoddess of my affection

The moon changing from the Blue at its starry heights soon becomes red as it hits the horizon.
The crimson tears of her arms blossom and swell from her wrist and hands.
My love's eyes glace over with a deceiptive trance.
And I return my blade to my belt.

The wounds from previous attempts to escape this mortality litter her skin.
The nights stars seem to have a patron on her flesh.
A dedication to every star is laid within each cut and slice.
And to me there is naught but pain.

My love has been lost to her own pain and I can but wait with baited
breath and humble longings for her to return from this high.
She has chosen to stop in death to rest for just a moment, while I
pace around her checking vital signs.
She wishes that this world will stop and let her go so that she will
no longer be a burden to those who lend their own life for her to waste.

Tonight will end like the previous and tommorrow will end like the latter.
She will arise to see that she is still here
and I have not lost her to the world here-after.
She has failed at the only thing she has practiced with passion in her life
And even hell will not let her enter.

Kendall Merrick

The Spider

Last night as I returned home from work.
Exhausted from some of the minor politics that I choose to endure.

I was starting my daily ritual before sleep.
To feel the earth with bare feet,
To point my body in the direction of the moon or the sun
If the Lady choose that it rains, my skin will be rinsed.

Last night as I returned home from work.
Tired from unnecessary imaginary fights

I retired out to the back of my house
Amongst to tall unmow'en grass
I turned my face upwards towards the Moon
and directly between my eyes and the moon was a spider.

Last night as it hung there waiting
Waiting for a victim to sacrifice some life.

It made a perfectly symmetrical silhouette upon the moon
In a stillness that caused me to stand in awe
Of workmanship in a web just short of divine
and charisma that fed my respect for this arachnid.

Last night as this spider and myself met
We measured each other for our presence in the yard

He moved not over the time that I was there.
I moved little as I thanked the lady and the lord
To a third party we looked as in a stand-off
To me, we were too consumed in our own intentions

This morning after I woke to a new day
Mind still cloudy with eyes squinting against the Sun

I went to the laundry to gather my washing
I took my clothes to the line to dry
I walked through a spider web
And I stopped to regret my actions.

This morning after my regret and pity attempted to take over.
I realised this was but another day. And I dealt with it.

By Kendall of Avalon

The Misfortune of Fools

They come to me, dance around me
laugh with me and enjoy my antics
But I despise their naively
With their lack of strength against adversity

They come to me, complain to me
cry with their pathetic problems
but they take for granted the freedom
that some have carved for them

They come to me, with their Superiority
trying to make sense of my logic
but their body language books
have also been read my me.

There are those around
who are happiest when the string
is pulled tight from their hands
and there jerking feet

There are those that are aware of
these strings and mimic the puppets
but look closely for there is no string
attached, and a evil glint in their eye.

There are some who find it too easy
to play the puppet master, to the
folly of the fools around them
as they summon and demand their tithe

There are those that are my companions
that sit with me as we watch the puppet show
While we admire and hate our own antics
as we distance ourselves from the rest.

By Some Inane Bear

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