Moonlight Prayer

Sitting when the moon is right
I look up and pray to the night
Goddess please let me live
All your knowledge please give

My soul is failing as I cry
And my heart is going to die
My mind is a shamble
And I think nothing as I amble

Except of aging fairy tales
Of knights and gales
And of enchantments of old
And of elves and pots of gold

Closing my eyes I bury my heart
Sitting down with a start
I get lost in these dreams
And nothing is as it seems

O wonderful night of the moon
Let me into your gentle arms soon
For my need is great
And my mind is in a state

Of constant confusion and pain
But what have I to gain
From useless fairy tales
And I still sit alone and wail

For nothing is as it seems
And my life is falling apart by the seams
What am I to do in this dry land
With nothing in my hand

To who will I run in a cloak of madness
For I am to full of pain and sadness
And nothing I do is right
For I can't get into the light


O but if the pen could weep
Crying my sorrows onto the indifferent page
Feeling the pain drain from my heart
Through my hands, into the inky blackness of the pen
Onto the dry, rough uncaring paper
Yet as my pen cries out my woes
The paper changes, feeling new and wonderful things
Love, pain, happiness, sorrow
Learning to feel all the emotions that I do
And the paper learns about life, love and goodness
But if the pen cries only of woes
The paper before cynical and caustic
And if the pen cries only happiness
The paper will not know the pure joy of happiness
For there is no contrast
Nothing to tell you what is true happiness and what is not
The paper will never learn the full meaning of your heart
And if the paper does not learn
How will you?


Heaven Cries

Lonely child
Stuck in a strange world
Sent away for the good of her health
Heaven’s decision
Allows her to live well
Back with the ones that sent her away
She lives in a dream world
Made of her own fantasies and wishes
Best friends
Grow into love
Only purer than most
Parents terrified as the love grows
Scoffing at what they call unnatural
They try to tear apart the love
Heaven’s tears fall as her sickness returns
Once more put in a strange place
For the good of her health
Going almost mad with wishing for her love
She forces herself to get better
And returns to the arms of the one she loves
And as her world comes crashing down upon her
She cries
For what seemed be was not at all
And an idea forms in the head of the loved
For them to get rid of the so seemed obstacle
And as they carry out their murderous plan
They’re torn apart
Taken into hell
And only to be let out
Under one hideous condition
To never love each other again
Their lives broken their minds gone
They live forever with out their hearts
That society so maliciously broke
And heaven cries
As the heavenly creatures
Fall from their perch in the sky
To the evil earth below
And the sky forever cries
For these heavenly creatures
These fallen angels
Are you and I


All for You

I sit on my bed and your name graces my thoughts
Thinking of you I close my eyes
And an ache enters my heart
Needing your touch so badly
I bury my face in my hands and cry
Whispering your name softly
I croon out my need to be with you
Sobbing as I curl into a ball on my bed
I think of your smile
That wonderful smile that warms my heart
I think of your gentle caress that enflames my love
Lying on my bed crying
I think of your soft kiss that leaves my body aching for more
I need you so, my heart cries out my love for you
I cry so sincerely aching for your touch
Crooning your name softly in the night
I wonder if you can feel my pain
As I lay on my bed crying in the moonlight
I think of how patient you are with me
I’m a child so naïve and innocent
You go so slowly, never pushing me
Always being so loving and tender
Crying softly I run my hands over my body
Wishing they were your hands putting out the ache I feel in my body
Curling into a ball again
I cry harder as I feel the ache grow
My need for you is astounding
My love is so strong
I wish there was some way I could tell you how much I love you
But all I can do is show you
But knowing that I can’t
I bury my face in my pillow and cry
I cry so sincerely, aching for your touch
Crooning your name softly to the night
I wonder if you can feel when I hurt
I curl into a ball and hug myself
Wishing that it were your arms holding me
Closing my eyes tight
I think of the brief moments that I were in your arms
Oh how I cherish those moments
How I wish I could have given myself to you
Biting my lips gently I let out a sob of pain
So profound that it tears the moon
As I lay on my lonely bed
I cry for you
I cry for my ache, this wonderful ache I feel in my body
This need to be held and loved
And as I cry my world shatters around me
Lying on my bed crying in the moonlight
I rejoice in the pain, for it means my love is true
Lying here on this bed
I cry, I need, I ache
All for you


Sharp Enough

No one knew
Why she killed herself
She was pure and innocent
She had a good life
No reasons to die
But then again
No one knew about her father
No one knew he beat her
No one knew about her love
No one knew about their problems
Poor innocent
Loving so true
Not used to dealing with cold emotions
Indifference is not what she knew
She was used to pain
But not used to this
Not used to the pain that love inflicts
She was so strong
Or so she thought
Until she moved away from all that she loved
Her friends
The only two people who knew
And when she had her first breakdown
She realized
That her strength was in her friends
Not in herself
That realization stunned her
She lived a year of her life
Going from breakdown to breakdown
No one really caring
No one understanding
And still her father beat her
And finally she made friends
But unlike where she used to live
She was quiet and withdrawn
She finally starts to come out
And her father moves her again
Into a place where she’s no friends
To a place where she’s secluded in the forest
With no where to run
Or anyone to run too
And so she finds love again
Or so she thinks
But it was all bullshit
This illusion that she made
Wasn’t love
Was a lie
But still she loved him
Though he didn’t love her
And so she tortured herself
And stayed near him
Being his friend
Pretending nothing hurt her
But it did
It hurt her so badly
Her heart broke
And it stayed broken
Till on a whim
She accepts an offer
That leads her to true love
Leads her to the most wonderful love
And that’s why it hurts her more
True love hurts you to your very soul
But when she gets happy
And she thinks it’s worth it
She get hurt again
By the very one that loves her
He gave up
He promised he never would
But he did
And so she goes to her room
With a knife
And she stares at her wrist for a while
Till she takes the knife and tries to get through her skin
But it doesn’t work
The knifes not sharp enough


Storms of Pain

Storm clouds hovering on the horizon
Ominous warning of pain
Lightening flickering, briefly showing what is to fear
Wind blowing screaming moans of terror, fear shoots through me
As I watch the storm approaching
Leaving death and destruction in its path
Unable to move unable to do anything
Except watching the storm of my pain come closer
So alone, only the wind as my companion
Tearing, whipping at my clothes
Tossing my hair around my face
Screaming suddenly, I feel a hand clamp on my arm
And an arm snake around my waist
It’s gentleness almost alarming
So different from the violence of the storm
It hugs me close, comforting me with it’s embrace
Turning around I gaze into a warm face
Eyes shockingly full of love
Searching his eyes, I smile suddenly
And bury myself in his warm arms
Safe I am now, away from the wrenching wind
Away from the woeful booms of thunder
Safe in the arms of my beloved


Cure for Time

What happens when time comes
running up to you, always following
like a faithful pet who begs for your caresses
or do you follow time?
Following like a cuckold follows his wife
or do we do both or nothing?
Racing time trying to beat it
never quite winning for good
but for a little bit
beating it back with modern science and medicine
always looking for the miracle cure
a nip here, a tuck there
cure those wrinkles!
Cure those bags under your eyes!
Buy millions of dollars of products
that never quite work correctly
Time o time
so many afraid and trying to outrun you
so many loosing their battle harshly
and then even in death
we pretty them
putting makeup on their pale cold faces
trying to give them some dignity
but is it dignity?
To have plastic on your body
is it dignity to be full of preservatives
like some sort of food you buy in the store?
Is it dignity to be pumped so full of silicon
that you could float?
What is dignity?
What is the miracle cure?
Tell me o wise time
tell me what will be and what has been
tell me



My cries echo through the empty halls.

The pain racing getting stronger.

The sting of the belt, on my tender flesh coming faster and faster.

Hands clinched tightly, nails biting into my palm.

I try to brace my self as the belt come to visit my body again.


I cry over and over in my mind.

My soul cries as I get hit again, tears flowing down my face.

My heart is breaking into tiny pieces as I cry out in pain again.

My arms fly up to protect my face as I curl into a tiny ball trying to
fend off the belt.

Nothing works

. Why doesn?t the pain stop?

I should be numb by now I tell myself, but I don?t listen.

On and on and on it goes until the anger has faded from a face I?ve come
to hate.

Long after he has gone away I sit there rocking back and forth gently.

Waiting for the pain to ebb.


I ask again, turning the question over and over in my mind, trying to
find an answer.

Finally the pain becomes bearable and I get up slowly.

Weaving side to side like the town drunk.

My legs just barely steady enough to take me up the stairs to my haven,
my sanctuary.

Even there I am not safe.

The insensitive face of my sister telling me it was my fault.

I just turn away and look in the mirror, hoping for bruises, but alas
I?m not lucky enough

. The evil one is to careful, he knows not to leave bruises.

?No one will believe you with out proof.? I hear in the back of my mind.

?You are too different, its always your fault? it whispers into my ear.

?NO!? I scream ?its not my fault, I didn?t do anything wrong!?

?Yes you did? I hear again.

Then I scream and cover my ears.

Shaking my head back and forth in collapse onto my bed.

My hand shoots out looking for my dearest friend.

A stuffed toy, an inanimate object, a foolish creature made to bring
comfort but it can?t.

I look up and feel the shadow of my pain lurking over me always.

So much a part of my life, I know no other feelings.

And then I sleep hoping never to wake up.

?Please? I call out into my dream?please free me.

I want to be brave and carefree like the eagle.

I want to be beautiful and graceful like the deer.

Please free me from this life of pain and sorrow.? I plead every night.

Then I wake up and my anger and sorrow flares like an eternal flame.

My anger at myself for being a coward, and my sorrow for being made to
face another day of pain.

I know that it will come, it always does.

It comes like a faithful lover, caressing my skin harshly, and ripping
my heart out.

The pain and grief visits me even in my dreams.

And every day I wait silently for the sting of the belt.

I cry and hope that I will survive and escape to a place where my heart
is free and I feel no pain.


Walking a thread

Walking a thread in a padded room
Lights and silence driving insane
Mad laughter bubbles up from your throat
Wild spinning on that teetering thread
Then you fall off, missing that perilous step
Falling, falling into a dark bottomless pit
Laughing faces jump out at you
Arms reaching out grabbing your hair
Eyes gone blank, so much screaming never stopping
Hiding as you fall with no one to catch you
No release from this madness
Only a destined to fall forever and ever
Into the deep dark bottomless pit of madness
Falling, falling, falling
So slowly but never ceasing
Only mad screams and blank stares surround this pit
And one lone figure is seen falling


Once More

A spell cast by a broken heart
Here enters the result
A girl almost exactly like the one before
All goes well, at once their good friends
Until the girl gets a life
Then wanting to go everywhere with the girl
The witch unknowingly pushes her away
By nagging and unreasonable expectations
Wanting to be free
To be with her love and her friends
She gets tired of it
?Almost like my parents? she thinks
As she wanders what to do
Still the outcome is unknown
All that she knows is that she can?t take anymore
?Once more and it?s over? she says ?just once more?


What Shall I Do?

O what shall I do
When a male comes along
All smug and arrogant
And thinks he?s a god
O what shall I do
When he controls my friends
Telling her who she can talk to
And what she can do
O what shall I do
When he sits there and threatens her
And tells her he is a god
And can put magick spells on her
O what shall I do
When I can?t talk any sense into her
When she sits there stubbornly
Thinking she?s right
O what shall I do
When she gets mad at me
For worrying and wanting to protect
And when she yells at me for caring
O what shall I do
When he hurts her finally
And when I see him
Will I kill him?
O what shall I do
When I see him control her
Snipping away at her inner self esteem
And when he finally has her
O what shall I do
When she?s completely under his spell
Her not being able to see what a jerk she has
And when will I be able to forgive myself
O what shall I do
When I can?t help her
And I can?t talk to her
And she won?t listen
O what shall I do?



So many lies
All come to pass
In our lives that we live so carelessly
When do the lies stop?
When someone gets hurt?
When someone starts to feel guilty?
But what if the lies are told by someone who hates you
Is there any guilt then?
Does anyone truly feel guilt?
We all live
Telling white lies so easily
Not knowing that one white lie can hurt a terrible amount
You've so many different types of lies
But it all comes down to this
It's a lie
The opposite of what is
People tell lies so they won't hurt people
Or so they tell themselves
Lies are lies
And they all hurt
But what I want to know is..
When are the lies going to stop?
When is the hurting going to stop?
When is it going to stop?


Don't Know

What would happen if I were to die tonight?
Would anyone notice?
Or would they just leave me alone?
Only to come back in a few days and find my rotting corpse
Would anyone care to come to my funeral?
Would they wear black, and play my favorite song?
Or would I just be shoved into the ground and have a nameless headstone?
Would life go on as before?
Would anyone miss me?
Why should anyone care?
Would they?
I don't know


Hearing This

A simple hug and kiss.
A few soft ad words of consolation.
Tears flowing freely down her face.
Screaming she runs away from the pain.
She collapses into a heap and cries.
I’m not hearing this, go away.
I’m not hearing this, you can’t be right.
Your wrong, don’t lie to me, I’m not listening to you.
I’m not hearing this, so go away.
Damn you don’t do this to me.
I love you, I love you, I love you she cries.
Sadly shaking his head he walks coldly away.
Sobbing, and running to him.
Holding on tight and not letting go she pleaded, please don’t leave me I’ll
die with out you.
NO! Leave me alone, I don’t love you he said.
NO!NO! please I love you!
She screamed shaking her head.
I’m not hearing this, don’t leave me.
I’m not hearing this, don’t be so cold.
Your wrong, don’t lie to me, I’m not letting go of you.
I’m not hearing this, please don’t leave me.
Shaking her off he walked away.
Falling to the ground and huggin herself, softly crying, repeating over and
Please don’t leave me, I love you she screamed to the sky.
And then the clouds broke and cried, As she ran away faster and faster into
the willing embrace of the night.
I’m not hearing this, leave me alone.
I’m not hearing this, damn you man how could you?
Your wrong, don’t lie to me, I’m not going to cry over you.
I’m not hearing this, I love you.


Devil's Arithmetics

> So many faces
muddy dirty faces
of a cleansed race
isn’t that funny?
what am I to do?
Was before my time
now I sit and cry
so many tears
my heart aches
for those people
who suffered so much
yet still kept their beliefs
such strength
but they never admired it
the killers
only seeing mindless faces
never seeing any distinction
do they deserve to die too?
I think so
I know I’m not the one to make that decision
and it should be wrong to wish such pain on anyone
but I do
I hope that anyone who does that finds such agony of no comparison
that they cry until blood comes out
crying like the vampiric beings they are
feeding on the pain and fear of those poor people
gods those poor people
their spirits echo through the times
a never ending tale of how human kind does not change quickly
how there will always be fear and misunderstanding
can we change that?
Who can we educate?
Who will change this?
Someone will
I hope..



I looked for you in my mind
and I found you
still there
still haunting
I looked for you in my eyes
I see you there
in those deep blue eyes
I see you misery
I see you for what you are
but I do not know how to stop you
I don’t know how to stop luring him
till he comes raging and my flesh aches
I see you as you convince me that I deserve this
I see you as you consume my soul
I looked for you again
but you were harder to find
but I found only that I had buried you deeper
you are still there
tearing at me, chipping at my mind slowly
till I go insane
I think I might
I find you in my mind
force feeding me lies
until they are no longer lies
they are the truth
I see you as you force me to hurt ones I love
I look for you as you prove yourself right
forcing me to do things I don’t want to
I see you as you make me hate myself
I looked for you and I found you
but do I want to?
I can’t stop looking for you
you’ve bonded yourself to me
now I can’t get free
and now I look for something else
will I find it?
I think I might
if only loves true bond makes it through
but as I look for that I see you
so deeply rooted in my being that you won’t leave
who will win?
Are you darkness or are you light?
Do you have color or shape or being?
I don’t know
but I see you
I see you there
and you won’t go away
perhaps if I close my eyes I won’t see anymore
but yet your still there
damn you go away
be gone you feeling of pain and loathing
I don’t need you
can’t you see I have love?
Can’t you see someone really thinks I’m beautiful
and thinks that I’m worthy of love and happiness
no I won’t believe you any longer
you aren’t right
I’m not ugly I’m not loathsome
I do not deserve pain
or do I?
What are you truly?
What is it that I really see when I look for you?
Is that me or is that you?


Ring Ring

Ring ring ring
still no answer
ring, ring ring
after all why should he answer?
Ring ring ring
I don’t matter
ring ring ring
I never did
ring, ring, ring
endless ringing
ring ring ring
pick up already
ring ring ring
fine maybe I’ll go off and die
ring ring ring
do you want to die?
Ring ring ring
after all you’ve tried it before
ring ring ring
all because of me
ring ring ring
never ending pain
ring ring ring
you’ve suffered
ring ring ring
because of me
ring ring ring
maybe I’ll just end that for you
ring ring ring
‘m not doing that well
ring ring ring
how about you?
Ring ring ring
wait I forgot no answer
ring ring ring
you can’t tell me that can you?
Ring ring ring
damnit answer please
ring ring ring
I need you
ring ring ring
I’m dying here can’t you see?
Ring ring ring
please make it stop
ring ring ring
Ring ring ring
I don’t want to hurt any more
ring ring ring
is that my heart breaking?
Ring ring ring
by jove I believe it is
ring ring ring
can’t you see it bleed?
Ring ring ring
I can
ring ring ring
it’s falling to pieces
ring ring ring
all because I can’t heal
ring ring ring
I can’t forgive myself
ring ring ring
but why should I?
Ring ring ring
after all I deserve it
ring ring ring
remember how I hurt you?
Ring ring ring
remember how I told you that would happen?
Ring ring ring
perhaps I’m pychic
ring ring ring
or perhaps I just know I cause nothing but pain
ring ring ring
god damn ringing
ring ring ring
wait that’s the emptiness of my soul
ring ring ring
can’t you hear the echo?
Ring ring ring
it’s right there
ring ring ring
see I told you
ring ring ring
listen carefully
ring ring ring
see there it is
ring ring ring
o wait
ring ring ring
I have no soul now
ring ring ring
I believe it ran off with my heart
ring ring ring
right around the 12th ring I believe
ring ring ring
see them run so happily off to hell
ring ring ring
can’t you see the skip in their step?
Ring ring ring
I can
ring ring ring
or perhaps that’s just my own delusion
ring ring ring
what’s that wetness?
Ring ring ring
o wait those are my tears
ring ring ring
how strange
ring ring ring
I feel as if I’m outside of myself
ring ring ring
perhaps I’m finally numb
ring ring ring
o wait there’s the pain
ring ring ring
I knew it would never go away
ring ring ring
I’m destined for pain
ring ring ring
and destined to bring it
ring ring ring
perhaps in this instance you should shoot the messenger
ring ring ring
for I am the messenger
ring ring ring
and I am the bearer
ring ring ring
ring ring ring
ring ring ring
now I’m bleeding
ring ring ring
finally getting what I deserve
ring ring ring
now I’m fading
ring ring ring
ahh I can’t hear the ring anymore
and now I’m gone



How can he hurt me so?
That man, who has no good words for me.
I am worthless to him, and he always reminds me of it.
Old stories of my childhood,
Of past wrongs done, and of past punishments handed out.
Enjoying every moment of my pain he grins.
But what am I to do?
He's older, and can hurt me dearly.
Never can I win with him.
He only sees what I do wrong.
Points out that I'm bad, and I've a wrong attitude.
That I'm lazy, and selfish, and worthless,
And he never sees what he does wrong.
Everyone's an asshole he proclaims.
And I just smile with the irony of it,
When he says he hates people like that.
Look into the mirror dearest uncle.
Then you'll see what you hate.
But you do, and see nothing.
Or do you?
I don't know what you see.
I don't want to know.
If I try and understand I'll be hurt even more.
So caustic are you.
Never giving me a chance.
Thinking in your own way that you're trying to make me better.
It's not your place.
I'm loved how I am.
Time and nature will change me.
I'm only a child, I have time to grow and change.
Please don't hurt me like everyone else.
Yet you do, I guess I should expect it.
You've always been this way.
Telling me stories or hearing things my sister says.
She tells of money I owe her, or wrongs I've done to her.
Poor little her, why don't you understand either?
Latching onto these things he says he'll beat my ass.
Laughing irony.
You are so like my father.
You both like to beat me.
How can I maintain innocence if I'm hurt like this.
I don't know, but I hope I will.
After all I managed it through my childhood.
But even so uncle,
Don't hurt me.
I did nothing to you.
Except be born.
Telling me of how you walked my mother around the hospital.
So my sorry ass could be born, as you put it.
Smile sadly.
So sorry I didn't turn out how you wanted.
Or perhaps I'm not,
I haven't decided.
When I find out who I am I'll get back to you then.
Don't regret what isn't yours in the first place.
It's not your place.
So you see dearest uncle.
You have no place here,
And you are rude and caustic.
I don't love you,
I can't.
Not the way I'm treated.
I'm not sure I want to anymore.
Your inflicted pain isn't worth it.
I don't want anything from you.
So keep your comments to yourself.
I won't cry over you,
Not again.



Weep my child weep
Let time heal the soul that you cannot
Nothing is set forever
Remember that love
Remember as you cry
I can see you
Under the desk
Heart filled with pain
Crying out your eyes
Draining the sorrow from your soul
Take a rose dear one
Wipe a tear, kiss it and make a wish
Throw it in the water
Let me comfort you
Nothing is as bad as it seems
I understand
I know your pain
I am your pain and I am your love
I am all that ever existed and all that will
Trust me in this dear heart
You won't hurt forever
So weep my child weep
Cry until you cannot
It's not a crime
No matter what you were told
It's alright to cry
So weep my child weep
And when you wake from an exhausted sleep
I will be here
For you
To heal your tortured soul
And when you wake
I will show you what true love is
And no longer will you be sad
Weep my child weep
Let the tears soothe your soul
You can heal
I promise


Dreams of Summer

Smiling faces and sunny days
children running through streams
laughing adults and barking dogs
warmth seeps through the soul
these are the dreams of summer

warm nights and bright stars
running through empty streets
catching fireflies in a jar
letting them free after staring in wonder
playing tag in the dark
these are the dreams of summer

sitting beside a lazy pond
holding a fishing pole
falling asleep under the warm sun
having your pole dragged under by a catfish
laughing with your friends
these are the dreams of summer

running through fields of green
sitting on the bank of a river
gathering daisies and clover
making them into wreaths and bracelets
frolicking through green grass
these are the dreams of summer

breaths catch as breezes flow
the smell of joy is in the air
filling your heart with glee
making you feel as a child again
laughing you run with your dog
these are the dreams of summer

sitting lazily on a hammock
swinging back and forth in the breeze
the warmth putting you in a dreamy daze
smiling contentedly drinking lemonade
slipping into warm day dreams
these are the dreams of summer


A Single Rose

A flower it really comes down to that.
A single perfect rose. A deep full red like a spreading blush on a virgin goddess’s cheek.
A gift, a single farewell, that beautiful offering of love.
One question so full of hope that his eyes glowed with unshed tears.
One soft movement of his lips, a small breath.
A stirring wind that carried the question to her, like mercury carrying a gift to Aphrodite from Apollo.
One glistening tear falling swiftly and quietly, and a gesture of her head.
The scent of her hair flowing, dancing to surround him its heady fragrance.
The single peaceful sorrowful spell broken by a shrill jealous shrieking
whistle, so like Hera’s fiery shriek of rage when Zeus is found with a
An echoing clatter of footsteps, the single fluttering caress, and then a
single perfect rose gracing the ground with its mournful presence.


Dream Lover

I sit and stare up at the dark sky
Snow flakes land gently on my face
Melted by the warm tears coursing from my eyes
"Where are you my love?" I whisper to the night
Hoping that my plea will be heard and he will come
My heart and soul possess one wish
My mind possess one thought
"My love, where are you, I need you"
"Where are you, come to me, I need you!"
My love so far away, yet so close in my heart
Our love so strong and pure
And in my dreams only we exist
The outside world is nothing
Only you and I in a realm of fantasy
I listen naught to my friends
They know nothing of true love
Blinded to the pain they cause when they tell me to let go
Thinking they are so right, they pick at me
Telling me its for my own good they continue to badger me
Saying that I’ll find another love that everything will be okay
But I hold on to my love, never letting go
And they shake their heads thinking what a fool I am to love him
And I cry out once again, telling them to leave me alone
Pushing them away I close myself to them
But I know I am right, my love is pure and true
My love so far away, yet so close in my heart
Our love so strong and pure
And in my dreams only we exist
The outside world is nothing
Only you and I in a realm of fantasy
And I lay down in my lonely bed at night
Closing my eyes eagerly
I drift into the world of dreams
Searching for you I reach out and our hands caress
And I look into your eyes and wonder how someone can love another so much
I shiver in pleasure as our lips touch and running my hands through your hair
You lower me to the ground softly and we make sweet love
I hold onto you never wanting to let go
But alas the stark sun rises and I whisper goodbye to you my dream lover
And I wake up and I go through the day in a trance waiting till the night comes
Then I can drift into the dream world again and our lips will touch in an eternal vow of love
And I can feel you against my skin once again my dream lover
My love so far away, yet so close in my heart
Our love so strong and pure
And in my dreams only we exist
The outside world is nothing
Only you and I in a realm of fantasy


Wild Thing

Watch her there
carefree and wild
jumping and dancing through the wind
laughter floating over the hills
giddy freedom
heart no longer chained
skirts flying in the wind
twirling twirling
dancing with spirits of old
faeries flit
chasing her as she moves
carefree wild thing
so happy
who is she?
no one knows
but no one cares
they watch in awe as her laughter fils their hearts
dancing dancing dancing
far into the mist
disappearing slowly into the faerie realm
into a world of mystery and magick
happily she follows the elusive faery queen
nothing matters anymore
she's free and happy
and where she's always dreamed



Where dreams are found and love is bound
Step into my world of dreams and fantasies
Open your mind and clear your soul
Time will heal and eyes will see
How true love and dreams
Are the fabric of our existence
Once you see you will never hide
Fear and pain perhaps one might feel
But all for love it is
Everything will hurt and everyone will love
But can you see my dreams?
Can you see my soul in my eyes?
Enter here and you will find my soul and heart
Shall we?


In Rememberence

Standing there I look at her crying friends
My friends
My friends and her Ex friends
I wonder why she tried so hard to be perfect
Everyone liked her how she was
And now I stand here looking at her cold body
I didn’t know her
I’ve heard of her though but not until now
I feel rather bad not having known her
Charles says that I would have loved her
Says that she was a sweet girl who just got lost
Then it occurs to me
She was Bulimic
But how did one so young get caught up in that
Did she want to make her parents proud
Did she strive to be what she shouldn’t want to be
I wish I could have told her to love her body
Yet it’d be hollow advice since I can’t even follow it
And once again I’m setting on the wondering
How cold you can feel when you see a dead body
And then you realize it once had a name, friends, and a personality
Now I feel cold
I feel so mortal
And all the immorality of being a teenager is gone
Once again it’s replaced with grief and fear and mortality
I wish I could have known her as a person
Instead of just a body


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