Little Wolf - posting 2

Lorelei rises slowly from the deepest ocean trench, a place of darkness, a place of cold, a place of water. No fire, no air, no earth, just water and life.

Life unimaginable, strange and magical in its own right. transparent beings that produce their own light, able to survive in the cold and dark, beings that think of nothing but survival.

No chaotic thoughts of power or learning mysteries, just life. As she rises from the depths she is greeted by the songs of her children. Air breathers that long ago gave up being land walkers and traded their limbs for tails and flippers.

They call to her in song and she answers, her voice filling the ocean. They are intelligent, true, but not crazy with knowledge. Their songs soothe her and prepare her for the meeting, the chaos that will soon reign.

The waves part as she rises, the waters foaming as she breaches the air. The land is not far, she can see the waves breaking on the shore, she doesn't move, she just becomes the waves and arrives at the shore.

Kannyphi flies on 18 feet long leather wings, stronger than the strongest steel. She rises effortlessly past the clouds, so high that the air becomes thin and cold, almost non-existant. Her leather wings carry Kannyphi as close to the edge of space as she can be.

Once she was small, a faery the size of a sparrow, now she is queen. The mistress of the air and all things that fly hovers at the edge of her domain. She looks down at the earth below her, cities have sprung and grown, yet they are nothing compared to the rest of the world.
A spark of fire ignites to her left, a ball of flames grows and soon it becomes the shape of a female elf.

"Kannyphi, the others are ready, we need to meet. The usual place." Rlya says and waits for acknowledgement. Kannyphi nods in recognition and the flame dissipates leaving nothing behind.

"When you left us, I never dreamt the loneliness that my life has become. Damn you Warlord, why didn't you fight." Kannyphi thinks to herself and then dives towards the meeting place.

On the edge of the sea, water and fire meet. Elemental avatars planning for survival. Lorelei sits on the sand, smalls waves roll past her as the sun's lights shimmers on her watery scales. Rlya in flesh form sits next to Lorelei, she looks like a normal elf, sweet and young, her hair the colour of straw falls straight, curling at the ends just slightly past her shoulders. She waits patiently as Kannyphi flies past, the air around them shakes with the boom of a thunderclap as the sound barrier is breached.

Kannyphi banks left over the waves and rapidly loses speed as she lands softly next to them, her large wings folding themselves around her like a cape.

"Where is Aurora?" Kannyphi asks.
"Trying to come up with a snazzy entrance. She would have to move tectonic plates to outdo the little flyby you just did." Rlya answers.
"Ever the sarcastic wit my dear. It is good to be with you, there is so much of him still left in your mind." Kannyphi answers.
"Too much, not enough, here she is." Rlya says as the sand forms itself into the shape of a girl.
"Sorry, I was busy, looking after his son." Aurora says.
"How is he?"
"He planted the first seed today. It has taken root. The cave is still undisturbed, according to the plan the crystal has been removed as is in transit." Aurora says.
"The White Bishop?" Kannyphi asks.
"Don't know, she has kept to herself in the last few months, living with Taylia as her daughter. Laelya and Nagrom are with her. Whatever she is planning it is very long term."
"Five thousand years he said before leaving. Does she intend to live that long?" Lorelei asks.
"Yes, she does, and expects us to remain as avatars during that time."
"It is unnatural, one thousand years is the cycle. Death, renewal, growth, change, all that is required for the balance to be maintained." Lorelei says.
"We know, she says control is the key. The old ways are gone, he changed all that by being here. There elves were meant to die out according to the old plan, now they will flourish and grow powerful as the blood of the Kaeltz mixes with them. Other races will wait their turn too, there are things we ourselves cannot see. Things only the bishop knows of." Aurora says.
"There is a long time before our 1000 years are over, no decision is needed yet. I say we wait and see what happens, if the Bishop is right then we break the cycle and stay on." Kannyphi says.
"Yes, I agree, decide later once we know more." Rlya adds, and Lorelei silently nods.

It nears dark when he enters the forest. He takes a deep breath and his lungs fill up with the air of the forest, the smell of moist leaves and the scent of wild flowers.
He crouches by some ferns, still as the trunk of a tree, gathering himself,sensing the forest and all its movement. His wolf tribe own this forest, but there are others, so caution is always the key.
"Ah little wolf, good little wolf, check always, careful always. Safe never, trust not." The little faery says by his ear.
"The others returned to the village, my uncle will be angry at me." The little wolf says once he is certain they are alone.
"Trouble always, no fur no paws. Help you need, magic you need." The Faery says stretching out her hand and a crystal appears.
"What is it?"
"Gift, payment for seed planting, By your sire worn, magic strong, makes you unseen. Wolfcubs look for you, not find you, paws no need, fur no need. Crystal take little wolf, take and go home."
"Thank you." He says taking the crystal from her.
"Good little wolf, home now, night come soon."
"My name is Torbe not little wolf."
"Know this already. Names important, names have power, keep name, not give name to others. Little wolf not name, no problems cause, home waiting, go." The faery says and shoots off like a dragonfly tied to an arrow just released from a bow. His eyes try to follow but she is gone wherever fairies go.

Torbe stands and begins to run, his legs pumping gracefully in a smooth rythm. It is what he does best, run, he has learnt an effortless motion that will give him speed without tiring, a loping run learnt from years of escaping bullies.

He runs until he smells the cooking fires of his village, he sees two adult wolves keeping sentry and runs past them unchallenged. He hears the long howlof a wolf and knows that they have announced his arrival to the chief.

When Torbe enters the village, his uncle Reike is waiting for him. He stands taller than the rest of the tribe in human form, a strength clearly seen that no-one would challenge. Torbe stops before him, his head bowed, his left foot fidgeting in the dirt.

"It is late, you shouldn't be out alone. There are many dangers outside the forest." Reike says in a patient tone.
"I know uncle, I am sorry." Torbe answers in a voice that is almost a murmur.
"Therlea wants to see you. Go to her, she is old, don't tire her." Reike says and Torbe bounds towards a small hut covered in animal skins.
Torbe goes into the hut, an old wrinkled woman lays by the fire covered by a large animal pelt, her white hair shines like snow. She opens her mouth and gives a toothless grin in welcome.
"Come dear, come cuddle up to old Therlea my little cub, they tell me you've been running again." Therlea says and lifts the pelt so he can lay next to her.
"Here I saved some warm broth for you my little darling. You are so thin, you need some fat on these little bones." Therlea says hugging him.
"Grandma, they've been picking on me again. I had to run to the forbidden land." Torbe says hugging her back.
"My poor little cub, they are jelous of you, they know you're my favourite. My hawk says you were with a faery, you shouldn't be with strangers, you never know who they are."
"I'm sorry grandma, I was angry, all she wanted was for me to plant a seed, and then she gave me this." Torbe says and gives her the crystal.
"I know this, I have seen it before, it is strong. I will get Reike to put it on a necklace for you, you must be careful with it." Therlea says holding it, sensing the magic inside the crystal.
"The faery said it was my father's."
"Yes, it was. Did she say anything else?"
"She showed me a burnt land, said that my father had done it, she told me not to say names."
"Smart faery, she is right. Come eat your broth there is some bread and meat too. I can't chew leather anymore, but I still see and hear." She says passing him a bowl and some food.
"Nearly ten summers now since you were born, it's time for you to go to the bear."
"What bear?" Torbe says swallowing some food first, looking at Therlea surprised.
"Eat, you just listen to old Therlea and eat."

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