Picture from Planarian Man: The Movie II

Planarian Man is a half human/half planarian person who spends his time fighting crime. He was created when a young boy accidentaly cut off the end of his finger while cutting up planaria in a biology experiment. In a freak chain of events, a previously-cut planarian attached itself to the exposed area of the finger (the source of this planarian's extraordinary ability would be explained much later), permanently attaching itself. Over the years, his body slowly, yet steadily, changed into a complex mixture of a human and a planarian. As shown in the second Planarian Man movie, he simply accepted his body and continued to try to live a normal life. He married, only to lose his wife soon after the wedding. He tried to cope with the loss by becoming a superhero at the suggestion of a friend, The Quagga. Together the two protected the city zoo from thieves and thugs. It kept Planarian Man's mind occupied for the time being. But the death of his wife brought on a case of mental illness, resulting in a suicide attempt. He had tried to end his life by cutting off his right hand, hoping to bleed to death. Instead, in the first display of his abilities, his hand grew back, and the hand he cut off also regrew its missing body, forming the Mad Dr. Planarian.

The Mad Dr. Planarian is Planarian Man's arch enemy. He was the first clone made of Planarian Man and took with him what some would call Planarian Man's id, also curing Planarian Man of his mental illness. The insanity itself had actually been the personality of the Mad Dr. Planarian growing inside Planarian Man's head, just waiting to get out. When he did get out, he began a streak of terror that was so devastating Planarian Man nearly died stopping it. The Mad Dr. Planarian has since become the classic super villain, staying in hiding until he has a new sinister plan to unleash.

The Masked Planarian was the second clone of Planarian Man. He demonstrated the planarian's ability to store memories chemically when he discovered the location of Planarian Man's secret headquarters immediately after being "born." Each planarian person has the memories of its parent planarian up until the point of creation. This can be both an asset and a liability, depending on the personality of the new clone. After the clone that would be the Masked Planarian found the headquarters, he saw a television ad that inspired him to be a masked vigilante. He conveniently found a costume in a closet and dubbed himself The Masked Planarian. He first encountered Planarian Man in a battle with the Mad Dr. Planarian at the restaurant Dairy Chief. The two have been allies ever since.

The Human Planarian was the third clone and the second "good guy" to come from Planarian Man. He was found by elderly superhero Granddaddy Longlegs and became his pupil. He learned the art of disguise and also how to handle himself on the streets of the city. After Granddaddy Longlegs died in battle, this clone decided to carry on his tradition. Instead of a human dressing up like a spider like Granddaddy Longlegs did, he decided to be a planarian dressing up like a human, thus the Human Planarian was born.

The Smart Planarian is one of the newests clone, but also one of the most valuable. He not only has the incredible physical strength and agility of a planarian person, but he also has an unmatched intellect. He has helped the Planarian Patrol battle Blueface the Pirate Planarian and designed and built the Petri Dish 2000.

The Russian Midget is the only non-planarian person to ever be on the Planarian Patrol. Planarian Man and the Russian Midget first met at a birthday part for the 'Midget's cousin, the Dashing Diminuative of Democracy, also a superhero. The Russian Midget's most recent task was to head the Planarian Patrol International, although after the break up of the Planarian Patrol, he is most often found selling used cars.

The Bavarian Planarian was one of the Planarian Patrol Reserves rounded up by the Russian Midget in Planarian Patrol £2. He was a key figure in defeating Blueface the Pirate Planarian. The Bavarian Planarian is a cook by nature, and uses his skills to bake deadly do-gooding doughnuts which explode, release concussive gases and more! After the break up of the Planarian Patrol, the Bavarian Planarian took up the chores of running Uranus Boy Land while Uranus Boy took a vacation.

The Mysterious Cloaked Planarian Without a Name That Can Do Weird Things, or Bob for short, had a very brief but important career as a member of the Other Planarian Patrol. A victim of issue #1, Bob still remains as one of the most popular Planarian characters despite his relatively non-existant span. Rumors surface now and then that a man like Bob could not die so easily...

Sergeant Planarian was initially a member of the Other Planarian Patrol under Jeff and moved on to become a founding member of Planarian Patrol: West Coast. His gruff nature hasn't earned him friends, but it gets the job done. Most of the time.

Uranus Man is an alien coincidentally enough from the planet Uranus. He lived in secrecy amongst earthlings for several decades before his supply of Uranoid (a chemical which allowed his body to become acclamated to our atmosphere and society by virtually making him human) became depleted. He recently returned to his home planet after aiding the Planarian Patrol in issue #2.

Uranus Boy is the son of Uranus Man and an earth woman. His actual name is "Snert the Alien from Uranus II" or "Stafu 2" for short. He is the owner and manager of Uranus Boy Land, but after the events of Planarian Patrol #2 he has left the park under temporary control of the Bavarian Planarian.

The Wise Old Planarian Who Lives on Top of a Mountain has no real significance as far as most readers know. All he visibly does is open and close the Planarian Patrol stories. But considering Planarian Man was the first planarian person and that the Wise Old Planarian That Lives On Top of a Mountain is elderly, you know that there has to be more to the story than meets the eye...

The Ninja Planarian has a much more formidable reputation in the unprinted world of the Planaria than he does in the printed. For one thing, all he has done in the comics so far is get killed. His army of ninja soldiers is second to none, and his intellect is exceeded only by the Mad Dr. Planarian when it comes to evilness. And due to the revelations at the end of issue #1, one can easily deduce that he is still alive somewhere...

Blueface the Pirate Planarian was the official Bad Guy of issue #2, and he earned the title. Born in Uranus Boy Land due to poor sanitation practices, he attacked the outside world under the misconception that he was a pirate. Blueface's actions would come to affect the Planarian Patrol in a way that no villain has ever done before.

The Planarian Patrol After a battle with Planarian Man aboard his space ship, the Mad Dr. Planarian's escape pod was launched into the darkness, assumed to be gone forever. By that time of peace, there was a total of five planarian people still on earth. They were Planarian Man, the Masked Planarian, the Human Planarian, the Lunar Planarian, and the Hydro Planarian. The Hydro Planarian had his headquarters in the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, the Lunar Planarian was stationed on the moon, the Human Planarian and the Masked Planarian both operated in the city, and Planarian Man was still using his original headquarters in the forest. They would all fight evil independently and help each other out when needed.

One day a meteorite struck earth. It had landed very close to the Hydro Planarian's base. He went to examine it and found it to be the Mad Dr. Planarian's escape pod. There was no sign of the evil scientist anywhere near it, though. He reported his findings to the other planarian people and soon after, the Mad Dr. Planarian resurfaced. They realized that a threat like this could only be successfully met with a team effort, resulting in the birth of the Planarian Patrol.

After hours and hours of battling and the death of the Hydro Planarian, the battle had moved its way up to the Lunar Planarian's moon base. In a selfless move to save the world, the Lunar Planarian teleported the other members of the Planarian Patrol to earth and then teleported his base, with the Mad Dr. Planarian and himself still inside, to the bottom of the ocean. The great amount of artificial air pressure inside the base combined with the water pressure crushed the building and its inhabitants, killing the Lunar Planarian and hopefully the Mad Dr. Planarian too (but of course he didn't die).

Soon after the Planarian Patrol's first battle, the Russian Midget, a human, joined the Planarian Patrol.

Other members:
Aerial Planarian, Marshal Planarian, Boris the Unrealisically Muscular Planarian (B.U.M.P.), and the Patriotic Planarian.

The Other Planarian Patrol was formed by Jeff, an amnesic planarian, to defeat the brainwashed Planarian Patrol in the infamous "The Death of Planarian Man" storyline (Planarian Patrol #1). It was the first appearance of aforementioned characters Aerial Planarian, Marhsal Planarian, Sergeant Planarian, B.U.M.P., and the Patriotic Planarian and also The Mysterious Nameless Planarian Who Can Do Weird Things, or Bob for short. The Other Planarian Patrol was dissolved after its purpose had been served.

Planarian Patrol:West Coast was introduced in the conclusion of "The Death of Planarian Man." It consists of Marshal Planarian, Sergeant Planarian, and the Patriotic Planarian.

Planarian Patrol:International was created at the same time. Its members include the Russian Midget, B.U.M.P., and the Aerial Planarian.

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