Potter Replica

Bob and Charmayne Umbowers developed this modern version of a classic kite. I missed the class they taught at the 2005 Fort Worden Kitemakers Conference, but I really liked the simple, elegant lines of this kite. They graciously agreed to help me build it during a different workshop they were conducting at the World Kite Museum.

Apart from looking beautiful, this kite is a superb flier. Despite its size it doesn't pull hard at all. The wings are detachable, so it can handle a wide wind range. I expect to fly this kite a lot, especially in gusty conditions that most of my other kites cannot handle.

Potter Replica (77K) (77K) Potter Replica (52K) (52K) Bob and Charmayne (25K)Bob and Charmayne (25K)

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Last Updated: May 01, 2005