Double Diamond

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This is my first attempt at designing a cellular kite. Previously I had only done flat and bowed kites of varying complexity. I found I had to take a completely different approach: When creating a flat kite I have a design in mind and then construct a frame to match; for cellular kites it seems better to start with a frame and then play around with different ways of attaching sails to it.

Dan Leigh offers this bit of wisdom:

The best kites are extremely simple. You can't remove anything more.

In keeping with this, I came up with a very simple design. I am rather pleased with it: It flys nicely and by limiting it to a small set of primary colors it really stands out in the sky.

I am not aware of ever having seen this design before. I believe it is an original design, though obviously I was influenced (at least subconsciously) by other kites I have seen.

full view full view (10K) detail view detail view (20K)
look, no tail look, no tail (24K) pair flying pair flying (12K)


Finally, here is the 'vented' version for high winds.
vented version (20K) vented version (20K)

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Last Updated: Dec 25, 2002