Miniatures, Metalwork and Jewellery

Miniature Figures


I based these 25mm white metal figures on the title aliens from the two Predator movies. There is an unmasked version of the creature from each film and also one in full armour. I also cast a range of interchangeable accessories and weapons so that I could make up a range of different figures from the same molds.

Mutant with Mechanical Arms

A 25mm figure I made in epoxy putty to match the stats of a favorite Bloodbowl campaign player.

Dragon Jewellery

Various items of jewellery I made for my ex-girlfriend, Angela

Pewter Pendant

The pendant shows a dragon entwined with a winged skeleton.

Pewter Ring

A dragon that coils around the finger.


A brooch made from epoxy putty, sheet aluminium, leather and costume jewels.

Other Jewellery

Cat's head & Ankh Pendant

A pewter pendant made for Mona, one of the most fascinating people I have ever met. The pendant is based on a tattoo I also designed for her. It's blade is as lethal as it looks.
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