Charles, oh Charles!

Now that I discovered Geocities pages now can have a whopping 11 whole megabytes, I am going to make a big page for Prince Charles just like I did for Bob Dylan.

I've always liked the prince. His wedding to Diana was one of my first memories and I have had fun following his life through the years. You know Bob's song "Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands"? Well, I'm convinced that Prince Charles is the Sad Eyed MAN of the Lowlands. Someday I will post a thourogh analysis of the lyrics and you will see just how close they come to describing Charles, which is actually pretty scary.

The reason I am making this page is because I was disgusted by all the attention Diana recieved when she died. Yes, it's true I kept thinking "What about Charles?" He has done at *least* as many good works as his wife did but gets zero credit, which I think is unfair.. So I wanted to make my own little tribute to HIM. King Charles III, I LIKE it!

I love this pic.

His very first Knights of the Garter ceremony.

I'm trying to collect all the young pix of Charles first. I always used to think Princes Andrew and Edward were the cute ones, but Andrew has gained a huge amount of weight and Edward's hair is GONE. But Charles has a very sad look to him, which I find intriguing.

Investiture as Prince of Wales

General information about the Prince.

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