Head in the Clouds Over Claudia

Looking down on people is a practice I often find myself doing. I mean this literally, of course - I enjoy observing people from the anonymity of height - not that I like exalting myself at another's expense. An introvert finds comfort in being a solitary voyeur and an introvert am I. So, when an introvert finds himself at the soft launch of a chic, sociable place like Fashion Café Makati, the first thing he seeks is higher ground.

From my vantage point by the railing of the second level of the Fashion Café, I could see most of the main dining floor as well as the stage which extended into a catwalk. Like busy black ants, the service crews of Fashion Café scurried about, making final preparations for the entry of the night's guests and, more importantly, for the arrival of the evening's special host, supermodel Claudia Schiffer. Miss Claudia Schiffer, said to be "the most beautiful woman in the world," a statuesque vision of Teuton descent with the perfect pout and eyelashes that could bat away even the mightiest male mortal. Her face has graced magazine covers, ads, posters and billboards all around the civilized world. She managed to mesmerize master magician David Copperfield who is now her fiance, much to the chagrin of a great many men.

Wow, I thought to myself. I'm going to meet a world power.

As I stood there waiting for the party to start, my mind strayed back to when I received, much to my disbelief, this assignment. "How would you like to do a story on Claudia Schiffer?" my editor said. I eyed him incredulously and thought: what, you'll send me abroad to cover some fashion event? "She's coming to Manila to open Fashion Café." I don't remember now if I accepted the offer with a cool, collected, professional response in the affirmative or an immature yet honest "Are you kidding? Yes!" I'd rather it was the former but I kind of doubt that.

The week passed quickly and soon the day was at hand. By this time all my friends and colleagues knew about my cushy assignment thanks in no small part to me (hey, you’d brag about something like this, too). A photographer who had heard about it from my brother even called the office leaving a message asking if he could join me. Uh, sorry. I don’t think so.

I had my hair trimmed at the corner barber shop in order to look "presentable." Upon the barber's recommendation I decided to let male vanity rear its head by having a facial. This is probably the first and last time I get to meet Claudia Schiffer so what the heck! Get the darn facial! So, I leaned back and waited for the barber to apply whatever it is barbers apply on your face. I was rudely awakened to the fact that facials aren't as simple as that. With what felt like a cattle prod, the barber began digging into my face, removing, according to him, "dirt from your pores." That hurt like hell. But what was I to do? Complain? That would be like admitting I was lost by asking a bystander for directions. I gritted my teeth and kept quiet, waiting patiently for the ordeal to end.

And, when it ended, I found that the cattle prod had left ugly red welts on my face. Exactly what I needed.
How I Saved Claudia Schiffer Without Her Knowing It

After having my press kit autographed by Miss Schiffer I made my way outside the Fashion Café to place it in my car. Several meters from the enormous camera lens entrance a trash receptacle was billowing smoke. Some moron had probably tossed his cigarette in without making sure it was extinguished. Still filled with a heady feeling from shaking Miss Schiffer’s hand and getting her autograph I immediately sought out a security guard. Spiffy in my suit and acting like the big shot that I wasn’t, I told the first guard I found to send a maintenance crew to put out the fire before it spread or the sprinklers went off. And he did. And that’s how I saved Claudia.

By now, the guests had started to file in, entering through the doorway shaped in the likeness of a gigantic camera lens. Soon, the main dining floor was full of Makati's bright and beautiful, all dressed up in finery and class. Where was Miss Schiffer, I thought, as I scanned the room for any sign of her. "She's on her way," host Mari Kaimo announced. I wrote down two questions to be asked during the press conference on cards given to me by my editor and handed them back to him. My eyes wandered to the seats where we had left our coats.

Speaking of coats, the strangest item of clothing you can find in my closet was that coat. I’ve never had much use for formal wear so having a hound’s tooth coat among my ragged denims and tee shirts seemed so alien. Right before the affair I was faced with a dilemma: to wear my coat or my barong tagalog. My barong is the strangest item of clothing I own, though I do not place it inside my closet. Designed with the word "costume" in mind, it is knee length, has a Chinese collar and fades from dark to light green. It looks fabulous, or so I convince myself every time I use it. If I wear the barong, Miss Schiffer might notice it. If she does and says so, I would take it off and present it to her as a gift from the Filipino people. In my infantile mind I could see "Writer Gives Schiffer Shirt Off His Back" in bold letters on every newspaper’s society page. Reality, however, is never quite that fantastic. As Charlie Brown once said, "my head is hot and stupid." I opted to wear the coat.

"Here she is: Miss Claudia Schiffer!" boomed Mari Kaimo’s voice, and the members of the Philippine Press, myself included, strained our necks over the railing to get a better view. "Miss Claudia Schiffer!" Kaimo repeated and in she walked, not through the main door but through the parking lot skywalk. She proceeded to the entrance to cut the ribbon and commence the party. With all the flashbulbs going off, it was difficult to get a good look at her from a distance. What struck me immediately was that she was very tall and very white. As she made her way to the second level for the press conference, all the reporters and photographers took their places, some jostling for a better seat. I had strategically positioned myself beside the aisle and was about a foot away from her as she passed.

With Jullie Yap-Daza moderating, Claudia (as in "cloud") answered questions on Fashion Café, the fashion industry, the inevitable questions on Gianni Versace, even if she could now do magic tricks ("Well, not in front of you guys."). "How do you feel about nude pictures of you circulating on the Internet?" Hey, that was my question!

"All the nude photos that exist of me are unauthorized photos that the paparazzi have taken, whom I have done lawsuits against," she replied. Unfortunately, laws regarding the Internet still have to be defined. "There are no real rules yet, so that’s pretty difficult to catch."

My second question was also asked: what is your greatest unfulfilled goal in life? "I would love to have more time for my friends, and be able to stay in one place and not be moving all the time, to not have to unpack all my luggage all the time. I would love that. And then also one day, when I’m a little bit older, I would love to spend more time towards charities, organizations which help breast cancer (patients), sick children, or AIDS, or anything like that."

The thirty minutes allotted for the press conference passed by quickly. The last question was answered, and Miss Schiffer walked off the platform surrounded by huge bodyguards. As she walked down the aisle, a thought occurred to me: walang mangyayari sa’yo kung tumayo ka lang diyan(You won’t get anywhere if you just stand there, stupid ["stupid" mine]). My hand shot past the menacing barrel-chested German escort, palm exposed in a gesture of friendship. Miss Claudia Schiffer took my hand, smiled at me and uttered four words to me I shall never forget. "Hi, how are you?" And she was gone. I grinned a silly grin at my editor and waved my hand at him.

From the stage I could hear Mari Kaimo asking Miss Schiffer to do her famous catwalk. "Sorry, this is my day off," Miss Schiffer answered. That made her four words to me all the more sweet, don’t you think?

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