H e a d Q u a r t e r s

Gadjitt Updates

Well, we've been doing some renovating here at the HQ over the past few months, and Arthur has finally been updating these pages. We're working on the finishing touches to an e-mail list for those interested, mainly with news about music, some politics, whatever is demanded. So we'll get around to all those unanswered letters, bomb threats, bricks to the head, ransom notes, etc.

ANYWAY:--> you're probably wondering what kind of psycho freaky page this is. It's not. The CoIG (that's Children of Inspectrr Gadjitt to all involved) is a group of kids (well maybe young adults?) who do their best at pissing off school systems wherever they can. We've been on hiatus for a while, what with summer and vacations and all, but school is back now, after looming like a figure of death and decay (and decadence) over the past few weeks. I suppose you could say we stand for @narchy, but that's not entirely true. We stand for freedom (real freedom, not USA-defined freedom), at least in student terms. That's what we are, that's what we want. We're sick of being tossed to the side, mistreated, and ignored by those who are supposed to educate us and service us by preparing us for life. They sure do make it seem like sooooooooo much fun, huh? What can we do about it? Well, look around and you'll see. We've tried to include most of everything we enjoy and believe in within these pages. If there's anything you think is missing mail it to Arthur Itis. Thanks.

"Workers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains!" - Karl Marx.

ps. Get gadjitized! Add this to your page today.

  • Legends in the making?
  • Fill out a form! (We don't like guestbooks)
  • Sights for sore eyes and music to soothe the savage beast.
  • Monkeys on Parade! (columns/thoughts)
  • The Temple of Beavis
  • Links

    This month's thanks to cool people are: to Jonathan for being there; Rhianne (we'll miss her); Jared, Alex, and everyone who helped at the Fest; and everyone who's helping in the Insights censorship battle.


    The C.o.I.G. Secret Headquarters
    Send mail to:
    Arthur Itis
    Fast Frets
    Rod Munch
    Janis Anus
    Master Norman Bates


    LinkExchange Member Free Pages at GeoCities