Crazy Naked Man

Hang me out to dry
With my dirty laundry

Tell the neighbors not to be alarmed
By the fat naked man in their backyard
He really never meant them any harm

Don't think I'm a lunatic
If I decide to climb a tree
Childhood was a sad time for me
I'm trying to live it better
With every chance I see

If at 2 am I start to scream
About wild hogs devouring my soul

Pay no attention

If you let them know you are awake
They just might leave me
And come to your door

Soon I will be gone
Dead and buried

And the little town will again
Be able to sleep in peace

I was always older and wiser then my culture
That can't be arrogance
I've already been declared insane

The army once decided
I wasn’t mentally stable enough to murder
Women, children and teenage boys
That just goes to show
How demented, I truly am

So, just let it be
I will cause you no more trouble
With my pills and beers

Sleep in sweet slumber
Hell, as far as I could tell
Everyone already was doing that

Even when they were walking around
Making their annoying little sounds