Johnny's Way

Johnny learned to play with matches yesterday
Today he burned his house down just to watch the flames

His little brother Sammy perished in this blaze
but Johnny feels no remorse or any sense of shame
To Johnny his little brother
was just a pain anyway

Most people live in slumber and never feel their days
but Johnny’s little fire made everyone afraid
It was like magic the way his parents suddenly behaved
they actually expressed genuine emotions
Although, to Johnny it was just another game

Johnny was only seven
so no one claimed
he was to blame

Still, he got some nervous
glances from neighbors
who trembled
at his name

Although, nothing was ever spoken
Johnny knew he’d gained their respect that day

Johnny felt people were like rabbits
living in their holes
Basically, scared to speak their minds
and just doing what they’re told

Even then Johnny
knew he was something more
perhaps, a little bit too aware
of what drove these cowardly fools

One day he would be rich and powerful
of this, he was quite sure
Just lead them to the mines, he thought
and they’ll provide my gold

Johnny was a little different
but not so much today
many it seemed had already changed

When he played with other children
mostly his own age
he realized that they felt
almost exactly the same

And Johnny couldn’t read
but he was on his way