Other Matters

The troubles of this sad little world
will just have to wait
I will not concern myself with them today
they are too draining

I need a rest
There are other matters
Perhaps even more important matters

Such as: raspberries and grapes
I will ponder the significance of oranges
and rose pedals
These too have their place

Too much is rushing through my life
It is time to notice the smaller things
Like eating corn on the cob
On a warm spring day

I walk past the identical brick row-homes
Each has a story
A world of it’s own
Children play in the streets
The mothers and fathers wave to me
with open smiles

Today I went to blend into these crowds
Disappear in their warmth
Talk about little league games
And how Bobby only twelve
has already gotten himself a girlfriend

I watch people wash their cars
Discussing basketball games
and the latest movies they’ve seen

Laughter comes from deep inside
It is open and honest

This also is our world
and it’s importance
should never be diminish, forgotten
Or overlooked

It is this side of life
that makes the rest almost bearable