Chez Timpko


Rectangular Children 

Honorable Cats 

Worth a Thousand Words 


Public Storage

Honorable Cats 
Cats Are Perpetual Toddlers  

To her dismay, some years ago Denise discovered that she was mildly allergic to cats. Notwithstanding, the Timpkos own two:  

Cinnamon, the Snooty, is a beautiful cat who hates children, disdains other women, and loves Chuck, Denise, and Chuck's mom. 

Maxine, the Nipper, who loves generally everyone, but especially Chuck, and tends to nip.

Open this PDF to see Cinnamon and Maxine: A Brief Glimpse into the Lives of Cinnamon and Maxine Timpko (PDF, 1,635 kb)

URL: http://www/    Last Updated: 2/1/2009 

Copyright 1999-2009 by Denise Harlow Timpko  
All rights reserved