Insights into my Life

I recently married the love of my life, Wendy, and we have a little girl named Jaquie. Married life is great, I highly recommend it if you can swing it! Other than getting used to the transition, I am working like a dog at school and at Cyberspace doing webwork. No sleep...

Years since I was born:
27, give or take a few months

Hometown from which I have escaped:
Castle Rock, WA, a nice little pitstop on I-5 about 2 hours south of Seattle

School where I have been thoroughly brainwashed:
Visual Communications Dept. at the University of Washington in glorious Seattle, the Emerald City

Spiritual beliefs:
Non-denominational Christian, sola-scriptura, saved by grace through faith in our savior Jesus Christ

Relaxation techniques:
Bryce terraforming, snow skiing, computing, computer graphics experimentation, playing with my daughter and our stupid cat John who bites you every time you pet him which ticks me off and he gets squirted with the water bottle because I dont want to hit him and my wife thinks that is stupid but I dont really want to whack the cat so we do both even though he is a really an ok cat when you pick him up and hold him and he looks cool

Links to stuff worthy of linkage:
Robert E. Lane - personal home page
Casey R. Smith - personal home page
Metatools - creative graphics software
Art Bell - overnight talk radio host
Typo Graphic - really cool site on type design
Emigre - wellspring of design coolness
Gif Wizard - a must-see site for Gif compression

Online Profile
2. 10. 97

Matthew Miller
18225 52nd Ave W #240
Lynnwood, WA 98037
(206) 771-9553