
June 30th, 2001

(The morning after.)


It's such a simple thing.

Select, delete...and it's gone; I'm behind Andrew's curtain once more.

Think too much, write too much, expose too much.



It's been years since I wrote those words.

I'd forgotten why I had hidden so much in the first place.

Forgotten how much pain simple words could cause.


Why did I leave as much as I did?


History, I suppose.

Feeling that way then doesn't change what I feel now...for you.


This is my web page.


Granted, it's only a skeleton of what it once was,

but it is full of memories that are both good and bad.


All part and parcel of who I have become.


People are forever trying to pigeonhole me on the basis of where

I come from and where I am. People are usually wrong.


I was born in San Francisco, California, U.S.A...where I lived through

several lifetimes, and more deaths. At the age of twenty-two I headed

south seeking warmer weather and a life without history.


San Diego provided everything I so desperately needed for five years.

Along the way, I found a partner with whom the laughter was maximum

and the angst was minimal, so I married him.


And now, well over a decade later, where am I?


We have lived in central Japan for more than eight years.

I have left, and returned, several times.

It has become my home.

Nothing lasts forever.


I spoke of epiphany without clarifying that it was only the most negative aspects

of my personality which I had come to terms with.


That I had given up on any possibility of "getting it right."


This web page gave me an outlet for all the things I had no other way to express.

Those things I felt I had no right to hope for and no way to forget.


Now I find my life has changed. It feels like a second chance...well, it did until this morning.

I sit here in rainy Gifu and wonder: why do I still have this site?

The last time I updated this .html, I had just turned thirty.

I waxed poetic about marrying so young and my biological clock.

(Or lack thereof.)


I was just *so* smart, wasn't I?


Thought I had it all figured out.


And now I find I know nothing.




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