I'll Show No Mercy

You lied. You stole our land. You murdered our people. Your ancestors preached from the Good Book. They were ignorant to their own words. A disgrace to their own faith. You've made much banter about your own Batan march. You hide your eyes to our own Trail of Tears. Your forefathers were hypocrites. "All men are created equal ...." Words written by a slave owner. For a people who were themselves slaves. What flag did two hundred Sioux men, women and children see at Wounded Knee on Pine Ridge in December 1890? In November 1864 at Sand Creek Colorado another massacre of four hundred Cheyenne Indians who were in the process of surrendering occurred under its authority. The flag was in the chambers of the US Supreme court as the Justices made their decision in the case of Dred Scott in 1857. Two years later it was represented by the US Marines who captured the raiders of Harper's Ferry and it was there at John Brown's trial. It was atop the US Capital in 1838 when Congress decreed that the southern Appalachians no longer belonged to the Cherokee and that they should be forced to march to Oklahoma along the "Trail of Tears." It represents a Congress which squanders, wastes, defrauds the people's money at the drop of a bribe. It represents a country which replaced outright slavery with economic slavery. It is present at mostly all klan rallys, being waved and paraded around by the same group of people waving and parading the other flag. It represents the same government that brought about Waco and another Wounded Knee killing in more recent years. It represents a society plagued with organized crime and criminals. It is atop business buildings that make use of sweat shop labor , poverty strickened migrant farm labor. It is in the courtrooms where every mis-carriage of justice is decided. The homeless, hopeless street people; the runaway, thrown away kids see it everywhere as a nation of politicians that don't really care. Everything that is bad, wrong, immoral and unethical in the States is there in this flag. It flys in front of every business, company, corporation that rapes our land; drains our resources; makes profit out of our children's heritage. It was there at the Mai Lia massacre, in front of VA hospitals with those forgotten, neglicted men inside from a war no one wanted. Morgan built his railroad on the broken backs of Chinese slaves. It was waved at Ellis Island full of hate for each incoming wave of unwanted immigrants. Our people were called savages, not even counted as humans. Bury your head in its folds. Hide your face in its blood red strips. Shroud your shame with its patriotism. Plead for mercy for all its ill deeds. You'll have none from me. I show no mercy.

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