Can't afford no big bore jugs
              Have to polish up these rusty old ones
              Can't wait for mail order pistons
              Have to sand these banged up ones
              Need that crankshaft now
              Here's one that's not too bent
              Now where's those rods Larry threw
                  out here last year?

              Cylinder heads must be over there
              I know Skeet blew his off the other week
              Need a case now to put it all in
              There's Jerry's - it doesn't have
                      but three cracks in it
              Greg's carburator that's not too
                     full of mud and dust
              Now where are those push rods that
                  were too long, never used and free from rust?

              Some plugs over there with only 50,000 miles
              Some bearings here not worn too thin
              They're just now good and broke in
              A flywheel with most of its teeth
              A generator that's not burnt up,
              Now connect these wires here,
                  and those cables there,
              Crank it up, listen to it roar!

[mslgpad.gif] Background by, MicroSoft.

© jwhughes 1987