Knoxville's World Fair

              Heard there was a Happening a happening,
              Over the mountains, in the hills of Tennessee.
              Someone had arranged for a really big party,
              A party for all the world to see.

              We gathered
              during the early morning darkness.
              We traveled
              over those mountains to those hills.
              We arrived
              between creek, river, and town.
              We entered
              Betwixt creek and building, over bridge, and through

              A part of the Happening we became.

              Asphalt and wood
              Brick and mortar
              Concrete and steel
              Color and light
              Sight and sound
              Motion and stillness
              All these make up this Happening scene.
              But people, lots of people, give life and soul
                  to this party's theme.

              Brightly colored
              Interestingly designed
              Full of mystery
              Attract people
              Full of curiosity.

              Concrete curiously curves
              Steel structures skyward stretches
              Glass gleemingly glistens
              Fabric folds fantasy fetches
              All of which silently stands
              Amidst much motion and sound.

              Crowds of people
              Sit beneath
              Odd shaped roofs
              Eating, drinking, watching
              Crowds of people
              Roam upon that asphalt ground
              Over wooden bridges
              To far away places
              Now brought near.
              From country to country
              From exhibit to exhibit.

              Couples find secret places
              Friends discover gathering places
              Off the beaten path
              On real ground,
              By running water,
              Under bridges,
              Under trees,
              By high walls.

              Silent persons
              Mingle with crowds
              With graceful movements
              And silent poses.

              Here and there
              Through out this scene
              Musicians play
              Actors act
              Dancers dance
              Singers sing.

              All day long
              A part of this party.
              All day long
              Experiencing this scene.
              All day long
              Becoming one
              With this happening.

              Evening comes
              Familiar faces seen,
              not seen,
              Morning went.

              Back around
              A bend in the path,
              Through gates,
              Over bridge
              Betwixt building and creek
              We leave behind
              Those things we've seen,
              Those places we've been,
              Those friends we've met.

              But with us always,
              we'll have those experiences
              we sought.

[xabst.jpg] Background by, The Pixel Foundry.

© jwhughes 1987