
Gloria as you know is a Catahoula puppy, not quite 1 year old. She is huge, not quite as large as bear, and not weighing as much, but she is as tall and as long. She is built like a greyhound dog, sleek, beautiful, lovable, and at times a pain in the........she gets into more trouble, is mischievous, but she has a talent that as far as I know, no other dog, or any animal that I’ve seen has. She is clever. She can outsmart any other dog. She is manipulative. She can act as a decoy by luring another dog away from its bone, and before you know it, Gloria has it.

Gloria, as you know came from somewhere, where? No one knows. She appeared one day on the steps of the ranch. Appearing from nowhere, and the mystery is yet unsolved.

What I am going to relate to you is true. I believe it, and you may or may not believe what I am going to tell you will have many disbeliever’s, but then again, some of you may believe my story.

Who placed Gloria at the ranch? Was she put there other than by human means? Wait, what am I saying? Yes I am saying that Gloria may have been put there there by a higher being. She was put there for a purpose. What purpose? Who knows? She’s a pain in the....... causing plenty of grief for the owner, and sometimes the other animals, but she makes up for it in many ways. Gloria is a healer. she attends to all the other dogs ills.

Although Colly, the 17 year old boxer and she do not get along too well because of jealousy, Gloria has cured the boxers infected eyes, she has attributed to the boxers hearing to a certain extent. Gloria feels that Bobo the Pug belongs to her, and Colly feels the same way. Nevertheless, Colly will permit Gloria to attend to her ears and eyes and anything else that may bother her. Whenever Gloria sees or senses a problem in any of the other dogs, she attends to it, and if we let her, she will attend to ours. How?

When something is wrong with one of the other animals, whether it be a sore paw, an irritation, or some other malady, Gloria seems to sense it. She will go over to the animal and lick the area, and keep licking even though the lickee shows irritation. Gloria will not let up. Colly’s eyes showed an infection, red and oozing. Gloria practically sat on top of her and licked and licked until the eye showed some improvement. She does this periodically. Whenever she passes Colly, she takes a good look at her eyes and if it needs attention, Gloria will attend to it. She has done this to Elizabeth, and Ally. Ally had a deep wound on her stomach. Gloria sensed it and made Ally turn over on her side and attended to it. Yes, I can relate other instances, but I just wanted to let you know what an unusual dog Gloria is.

As I said earlier, she is mischievous. She is very protective of Bobo, although Bobo is older than she. She will let no harm come to her. She watches over her like a mother hen. One day, Bobo dug under her cage and got out, and started to run off into the woods where the possibility of danger exists. Gloria started running after her, yelping barking so loud that her sounds could be heard for a long distance. Gloria kept nudging Bobo off to the house, protecting her from any possible intrusion by any other animal.
But as I said, Gloria is mischievous. She is full of hair pulling stunts causing plenty of grief for the owner, but she makes up for it in many, many ways. She is good with the cats, watches over them, so no harm could come to them. She is a protector, and we know that as she gets older, she will be another Bear, and that’s the way it will be.

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Original stories written, published and copyright by Larry Delmar. (c) 1970-2000. If you would like to use something, please email for permission.