Welcome to my Guestbook!

Momsy (agent) - 12/20/00 15:31:14

The eyes have a soul that speaks to the viewer from the paintings and the poetry is life in it's truest form! Very beautiful and you are welcome to my room always! You have my email as I share it with friends. I know HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You must paint a mural. I insist you try one!

Xianjing - 11/25/00 14:19:12

Pretty interesting drawings not quite the conventional ones ur decision to go into drawing is a brave one at a time when more emphasis is placed on the arts now in s'pore H/w it is a risky choice i feel that it would be better if u hav something to fall back on aniwae all the best u hav the guts & determination to do it it will be a long & tough road take care

Lenora Smith - 11/18/00 16:19:50
My Email:woreout@hotmail.com

You are a very talented artist. i think you could and will go far with your talents.

HIDI CORTES - 09/22/00 17:51:00


felicia - 08/27/00 19:02:13
My Email:brat328@yahoo.com

very original, very nice, keep up the good work

Lilia de la Peña - 07/23/00 23:43:01

I enjoyed a lot your poems, but also your drawings. All of them are fresh like a clearwater cascade. I admired them as I do with oriental art, and I was glad to find that you are one of those oriental people with whom God blessed all of us. I'll write at nother time to explain how much I admire them. And make my desires to find you and chat again with you. As you a little bit are, I don't share my e-mail adress, and I hope you will not feel dissapointed by me. You are a blessing that I deeply care. Do you know Joan Miro, Picasso and Mark Chagall art drawings? You will enjoy them as I do yet. But by this time, I'll share with you one of my oneaday thoughts after a special reading I had: "How sweetness/this language/from Cervantes, Paz and Vargas Llosa, that emanates from my throat/starting in my soul/and sliding by my pen./It comforts and fortify me/and I'll keep it/gathered in my "jícara"/that is my diary/my company and my food". So are your creations that I want to keep in my soul. Thanks a lot for them. Y u are a great observer of life, so you have the gift!

jason - 07/07/00 03:07:26
My URL:http://oocities.com/mojopear
My Email:mojopear@yahoo.com

love your artwork. your use of line is amazing. it's simplicity compleatly blows me away. it gives me the urge to experiment with my own artwork and try to take it in a new direction.

Mark - 06/16/00 02:44:21
My Email:jjaguarmak@hotmail.com

You should have more pictures or at least more background infomation. I need your background information for a project, so kindly e-mail them over to me ASAP. Thanks with regards. Mark

Roan aka The Dodger - 05/11/00 15:07:16
My Email:roan_dodger@yahoo.co.uk

Hey! It's me (mwah haw haw haw haw!) and as you asked me so nicely to pay a visit, I have done and yep, you have a reason to be big headed. Was impressed with the poems mentioned (you know which ones) and all the others. I loved the drawings too, I'll pro ably see you in chat again soon, so I'll bugger off now - ciao! Roan:-[. aka The Dodger

Kaze - 05/11/00 15:05:09

Xiao Hong, don't mean to dig into it but, hey, I'm luckier! ;-) ("born on the 3rd of July")

Kaze - 05/11/00 14:53:39

Only a loving heart can write / draw lovely creations. Your "expressions" are truly inspiring. To truly love ain't easy. To be able to bring out that love is heavenly! "Live every act fully as if it were your last"

Chien - 05/11/00 08:58:17
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/bihyao
My Email:bihyao@hotmail.com

I like your drawings. Are you a real artist? Hope to see more artworks from you in future.

Serena - 05/02/00 05:46:01

Hello OSH, Your pictures are absolutely wonderful. They show careful depictions of personalities. Your continued play of the stars, moon, and etc. bring about a signiture of sorts, which is terrific actually. I continue to check the site periodically. I've much en oyed this fabulous site, and I would like to thank you for the picture. Keep on reaching for the sky! Take care Don Juan.

h - 04/26/00 05:55:32
My Email:hjessu10@scu.edu.au

inspiring.........a reflection of ourselves...... loved the direct lines envolved in the works...linear???..... anyway i study vis arts at the uni here....major drawing and painting ... enjoy the drawing heaps... life.... would love to continue seeing your stuff!!! see you

mah - 04/20/00 09:14:00

it's quite interesting on how you can express your feelings throughout your drawings.

Sien and Ine - 03/27/00 18:16:53
My Email:samadhi82@hotmail.com

It was very interesting to see those works! They are a little strange but they certainly are wurth looking at them!

- 02/05/00 22:56:07
My Email:dhidde@up.net

WOW,i'm enlightened.thanx.would luv to also know more about u n where your insights comes from.once again very enlightening.

Krysta|ine - 01/06/00 01:14:16
My Email:kuddo@netzero.net

Your work enraptured me. I would like to see more.

litmus - 12/31/99 11:19:56
My Email:piggypig@pacific.net.sg

hi molar, tis's only e 2nd time i'm visit'g ur webpage & i found myself making lotsa new discoveries aredi. realised ur drawings r of a more melancholic note now... ur poems r wif lots of feelings & i like e poem, 4getting someone. sometimes e harder u try 2 build e wall, u seem 2 be able 2 c thru it clearer; it feels juz like looking thru a piece of glass(like e mental pic of e girl on e wall in ur drawing)...dat's irony of life. perhaps in real life, cheerful 'pics/colours' could be added 2 e plain wall 2 bring some consolation 2 e broken heart. pls keep ur beautiful work going:-)

Tony C. - 12/10/99 07:42:23
My Email:chewster@pacific.net.sg

Osh great stuff u got there!It's been a long time since i last visit this site and i must say excellent work! Keep that passion of urs alive...... only man of passion suceed. All the best!

Fiona Tay - 11/27/99 16:10:13
My Email:serenity01@hotmail.com

Hey! Nice drawings and commentaries u have here. Good to have a place to display u're talents and pen your feelings down, ya? Next time u open a real art gallery, dun forget to ask mi to go.... :)

Tricia - 11/09/99 13:12:29
My Email:Spteric@singnet.com.sg

Well,i personal liked drawing alot.Yours recent pieces are good.See, i'm doing a project on famous artists "like You".I hope that you could kindly add in all the articles about like primary,secondary school you come from date of birth and ........etc.Plea e cause i got your art pieces but i still needed your biograpy.Hope that the next time round i visit your site again i could finish my project.please do that ,although u don't know me ,by the 29th of nov 99. i really will appreciate it.And i like your wor it's really good, i swear.Thank you.

Wind - 11/04/99 16:59:50
My Email:check below

Oh before i almost forget, i liked the "she smiled" poem very much.Very truthful,very sincere and very beautiful.Will check out your web page every week.

Wind - 11/04/99 16:52:44
My Email:wind88.singnet.com.sg

Hello Sien Hong,this is something great that u have got down here.From just doodling less than a yr ago, now u have all these fantastic drawings on your web page.I am on holiday right now and thus alot lot of time to go thru every one of your drawings and to tell u the truth i really liked the poems that goes with them, especially the one abt how everyone is a photographer and memories are great pictures that u take along the way in the world.Great , keep it up and keep in touch.Coffee anybody? get victo too!

Asian Art Connection - 10/30/99 20:10:27
My URL:http://www.asian-art-connection.com
My Email:info@asian-art-connection.com

Your site has been added to "Top Art Site from Asia - Singapore", of AAC. We do require your link back. If you interest in our free art service program, please let us know. Thank you!

Rik Chang - 10/25/99 04:54:36
My URL:http://i.am/game64
My Email:big_secret_0527@hotmail.com

i really like your drawing

Kelvin - 10/16/99 12:05:00
My URL:http://www.kelvinsmith.clara.net

nice page keep up the good work

Tijana - 10/14/99 21:05:06
My Email:ptici@hotmail.com

I really enjoyed your gallery and your work.... I'm in the middle of a big decision in my life- the question of choosing a wright school. One of them is art academy, but........ continue with your work...

Jodie Lee - 10/14/99 06:42:27
My Email:microbe@singnet.com.sg

hey babu if u still remember me, who chatted with u on irc. Frankly speaking, ur paintings are not to my taste, yet i can say they are innovative, and evokes a lot of emotions. What i like most is ur poem: she smiled.... real beautiful...keep on trying, u'll ha e a nice little gallery one day. regards, Jodie

Tyler - 10/14/99 00:01:35
My URL:http://members.aol.com/mrsdarla/
My Email:mrsdarla@aol.com

I liked your page a lot! Have a great day!!!!

Jennifer - 09/29/99 22:07:44
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SoHo/Bistro/2136/
My Email:jenwrynn@my-dejanews.com

Okey, I just wanted to say I think you're really talented, and I especially like the one called "Waiting" where the woman is waiting on the rocks. If you're ever bored then it would be neat-o if you came to my site and looked at my drawings :) Thanks

Benedict - 09/15/99 15:43:52
My URL:http://www.hosaybo.org/
My Email:bentys@hotmail.com

Just drop by. Your drawings are great. I like it better then other oil paintings, sketching. Really. Can you just take a look at the given URL??

Wendy - 08/27/99 18:52:27
My Email:gin_y@hotmail.com

Was just Surfing ard. Beri neat drawings - especially liked yur new style of drawing faces =) Maybe u could try using other mediums? Anyway, u got talent! like yur style!

Alfred D'Ortenzio - 08/24/99 23:13:36
My Email:artshop@ix.netcom.com

Please visit my website with the thought that the better you can draw ,the better you can express you feelings http://pweb.netcom.com/~artshop Regards-Alfred D'Ortenzio

Raistlin - 08/18/99 14:01:12

I never said this to u face to face. But I admire the way your mind works, and your courage in pursuing your love. Never let this go, for true love, once lost hurts deepest. Be seeing ya!

alaxis - 08/12/99 15:37:43
My URL:http://www.pages.ivillage.com/pp/haleyannsmom/index.html
My Email:alaxis@excite.com

What beautiful drawings..the old man drawing is my favorite..looking forward to seeing more of your work!!!

ana - 07/27/99 23:19:31
My Email:anasingh19@hotmail.com

I spent a lot of time looking on your drawings.These are wonderful.I liked most of them but"romeo and "julieat" wow ! captured my heart. best of luck and hope . bye ana

Juliana - 07/25/99 15:58:27
My Email:jumpea@singnet.com.sg

hey just finished looking at ur webpage....ya...i agree much neater now:) and i still like the drawings:) me like to draw too..as u know...but i never really bothered to draw anything....usually just doodles:) i'm inspired!!! hope i can draw something presentable out soon haha.... well, see u around:) Juliana

- 05/30/99 04:57:59
My Email:bmpxist@yahoo.com

Your drawings reveal an imaginative and philosophical mind. However, I don't quite understand some of the sketches. All the best in pursuing your dreams!

Keith - 05/28/99 05:11:33

Like your artwork. Hope you have your own art exhibition one of these days. Show your talent !

"femme" - 04/27/99 10:22:53
My Email:N A

Dear Thought, It was such a surprise to see the mademoiselle you drew after our chat! Nice to know you remembered those French words. Can't help but say, "Oui, elle est tres jolie !" {Yes, she is very pretty!} Well, if you go to France, you may see her in the meadows, her tresses flowing in the wind, her smile warm as sunshine ..... as she dances to the song of the rippling brook .....

Snake - 04/08/99 13:32:41
My Email:Snake1774@hotmail.com

Some great stuff. Creative and some were really nice. Just a comment...seems like most of the pictures depict sadness in one form or another. Hope you fufil your dream and become a great artist or continue to enjoy this hobby of drawing

zhiwei - 04/03/99 21:44:14
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SouthBeach/Balcony/6196/
My Email:z.lai@pacific.net.sg

Brilliant!!!!!!!Maybe should add some happy drawings with striking colours...

Larry Xu - 03/31/99 02:33:38
My Email:xman_doctor@hotmail.com

Just surfed onto your page. Nice drawings. Are you pursuing an artistic lifestyle?

Shuh Juang - 03/27/99 07:20:03
My Email:olivesjq@singnet.com.sg

Have you seen "Great Expectation" before? Its a wonderful adaption of the classic story. Its about this small boy Finn talking about his life in a very tasteful way. His good nature brought him wealth in his later life but much to his shock, he found his enefactor to be a convict he helped when he was very young. The other parts of the story is talking about his love interest, a girl called Estella. The heartache and sufferings he went through to win her heart only to be met by cruel fate. Beside this he as a very good talent in painting like you as well! Go watch it!

sean - 03/03/99 01:16:21
My Email:none

I loved the drawings but explain more about your self.

- 02/10/99 16:19:31

Let's see...It's interesting, but you should introduce more about yourself.

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