***Digital Sketch Book

Order as worked succinct. Click on pics to enlarge

Boy from 'the truth' ad in Tokion mag - Hand drawn line drawing in Coreldraw from scanned origin mag copy with artistic licensing. Pen- Dotty line as stitch lines design. Various, pattern fills. La di Da...

For appliqué design to print direct onto fabric EXP-BJS2000


Buttons and stitch initial design for skirt...note: something to come back to. DIY - independent designers, 50s, 60s, abstract, quilting. Get some funky buttons at the Habs.
buttons.JPG (155999 bytes)
Pegasus edited fontding, blended in Corel Draw steps 50 X 290 degrees rotation etc - playing with old design...transfer to jacket EXP-Lazertran.
pegasus2.JPG (109205 bytes)  pegasus.JPG (83975 bytes)
Pegasus tile. Pegasus reduced % 100, 80, 60...Mirrored.
ducks.JPG (22587 bytes)  pegasus_L.JPG (56813 bytes)  pegasus6.JPG (17014 bytes)  pegasus5.JPG (19983 bytes)  pegasus4.JPG (39679 bytes)

'the truth' boy. Coreldraw whirlies with edited pegasus fontding. 'the truth' Text - fit text to path

Just can't get the eyes right. Tried adjust the position to slight bog-eyed. Must do more detail and shading to bring out the eyes.
Rainbow Brites Horse (add a horn) Starbrite. Convert to B&W, adjustments in Corel Photopaint. Corel Trace outlined, adjust node % to 90. Separated sections and colour filled. Inspired 80s nostalgia - kids vintage sweaters. 70s popy colours. Hearts, hearts, hearts...

   st1.gif (47973 bytes)  


Playing with Clipart...furniture, household bits. Edited silhouette of chair, teapots + jugs, and drawn stems/greeny liquid. Surrealism...wallpaper border, Corel Photopaint Terrazo: Wings effect.