Impish fairy


She peeks round the screen
on her face she wears a grin.
"I see that you're not quite happy,
So I thought I'd tickle you again."

With written words on a screen
She reaches out and pokes his side.
Says "I'm gonna make you smile"
With a smile on her face a mile wide.

She types a bit more
And tickles his chin.
Claps her hands
Says," I saw a grin."

The peals of her laughter
Are heard cross the net
She looks in his eye
Say's, "I ain't done yet."

She counts his ribs
Again and again.
Say's "now I can see it
A full fledged grin."

She gives him a hug
Across the many miles.
And Velvets done it
She brought him a smile.

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