Come join the world of bad taste!
Here's a special set of links designed exclusively to bring you the worst in what the Web has to offer. If you can think of any more to add to this list, please send the URL to me. In the meantime, enjoy!

If you like this picture and want to see more drunks, check out the land of Inter-Lushes!

The strange and twisted PlayGrimace page.

Evil Bert: You always knew something was horribly wrong with that Muppet, and now we have the pictures to prove it...

Spinnwebe: You must check out the archive of mutilated Family Circuses. They were asking for it!

The Cruel Page: Look through the archive for tons of cruel links and black humor.

The 80's Server: Too new to be retro, too old to be cool anymore, but still enough nostalgia to bring you back.

For those of you into white trash (and who isn't?), I offer you the largest compilation of WT-related sites on the Web - White Trash Online.

Who can resist Jingle Cats?!?

The Smurf Porn Story.
And for those of you who like punishment, here's the entire list of every piece of "humor" this guy's found. It's all the stuff your loser friends forward to you and think funny. What sort of mind could compile something like this? What a sick, sick man!

The feel-good page of the year. All this insight brings a warm glow to my heart.

Laugh At Goths!!!

Laugh at goths with a goth! The Goth Geek of the Week.
Laugh at goths with a non-goth! Gothcrafters.
Read some unbelievably bad goth poetry! Cry with me.
The saddest goth page of all. This is why the goth movement hath failed.

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