Gallery MB

Painting gallery of Milos Beran



Milos Beran was born in Lanskroun, Czech Republic, in 1962. 
Since he finished studies at the Institute of Chemical Technology,
Department of fermentation chemistry and bioengineering, he has 
worked in the Food Research Institute in Prague as a research worker.
Except his profession, he is interested in music /from underground 
to classical/, literature, poetry, film, psychology, nature ..... .
He started to paint at a secondary school, but in those days 
he was more famous for production of alcoholic drinks, especially
cherry "champagne".
A symbolic painting dream, he had many years ago, 
has an important role in his decision to dedicate most of his 
free time to painting. Since that time painting has became 
a deep inner need for him.
Regarding his painting techniques, he started with oil pastels, 
continued with oil painting, and he is engaged in encaustics 
(painting with hot waxes) at the present time. His present works
are influenced by experiences with  psychedelic substances and fascination
by fractal geometry, such as Mandelbrodt's sets. Don't miss animated fractals ! He has had six solo exhibitions in Prague since 1997. Milos is also engaged in book illustrations. The content of the gallery will be updated.


Visit also photo gallery of the autor.


My wax story and methods of wax paintings

Interview with the Medium Webzine

on encaustics and fractal geometry and altered consciousness and my painting


Technical award in "GemArt juried art show Virgo - 99: Fine art by and about women." Millenium Art Gallery "Masterpiece 2 000" Award

Featured Artist at



Click on the following pictures to select a gallery.

Oil pastels
Gallery 1:
Oil pastels
Oil paintings
Gallery 2:
Oil paintings
Encaustics I
Gallery 3:
Encaustics I
Encaustics II


Gallery 4:
Encaustics II

Gallery 5:



Gallery 6:
Book covers and illustrations
fractal collages
Gallery 7:
fractal collages and holographic folio
dry pastels
Gallery 8:
Dry pastels
Gallery 9:
Photographs - landscapes and cities
Gallery 10:
Photographs - from other dimensions
PC fusions
Gallery 11:
Man and animal - PC fusions

Click on the following picture below to open a short (1.3 MB) unique
videoclip in MPEG format. The videoclip shows fractal patterns formed
in molten bee wax with an addition of a gold emulsion during heating.

click here

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