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Today and tonight were other-worldly.
I surfaced in the sea..... but to drown....yet again.
Tell me that I'm alright.....alright by you.
Something has to mean something.....
Defenses are surreptitious self denial
and mechanisms phoney.
Something has to mean something.....
For love is all there is.
It's all there is that's true.


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   page 1 - Aquarius
   page 2 - Bleeding Hearts
   page 3 - This Day
   page 4 - Winds Of Joys
   page 5 - My Son...The Dead One
   page 6 - Better Each Day
   page 7 - On a nearby Hill

   page 9 - Love's First Branches    page 10 - The Bird Of Love    page 11 - Barron Flowers    page 12 - The Purest Heart    page 13 - I Asked Too Much    page 14 - When I'm Home

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