
1 “Evolution of Man” (found via YaHoo; no author, title, address given)

2 Roy Larick and Russell L. Ciochon; November-December, 1996: The African Emergence and Early Asian Dispersals of the Genus Homo - American Scientist Magazine

3 Richard Milner, 1990; The Encyclopedia of Evolution - Facts On File, Inc., New York

4 Michael D. Lemonick, October 3, 1994; One Less Missing Link - TIME Domestic, Volume 144, No. 14

5 Christine Gorman, August 28, 1995; On Its Own Two Feet - TIME Magazine, Volume 146, No. 9

6 Jim Foley (, (no date given); “Prominent Hominid Fossils”

7 Holly Reeser (, 1995-96; Selective Brain Cooling in Early Hominids: phylogenetic and evolutionary implications - Origins of Humankind (

8, October 17, 1995; “Archeological Sites”

9, October 16, 1995; “Australopithecines”

10 NSFnews (, August 16, 1995; “Kenyan Fossils Point to New Species of Human Ancestor”

12 Tim Friend, October, 1994; Ancient Bones Point To How Early Man Walked - USA TODAY (online)

13, October 16, 1995; “Tool Industries”

14, October 16, 1995 ; “Homo Habilis - General Information”

15 Holly Reeser (, 1995-96; “Characteristics of Homo ergaster” Origins of Humankind (

16 (press release) Contact: Diane Dondershine; “Possible New Hominid Species May Be Oldest Known European” - American Association for the Advancement of Science, May 29, 1997

17 Scripps Howard (website), 1997; Inside the Pit of Bones

18 Rick Gore, January 1996; Neandertals - National Geographic

19 Henry Gee, 1996; Neanderthal Winter Collection - Nature News Service

20 Frontal lobes of Neandertals and Moderns

22 Kaveh Nateghi (, 1995-96; “Homo sapiens” - Origins of Humankind

23 Modern’s environment and range

24 Douglas Preston, June 16, 1997; “The Lost Man” - New Yorker Magazine

25 Eleanor Lawrence, March, 1996; 40,000 BC: the cutting edge of technology - Nature News Service

26 Eric Whitaker, Steve Stewart; Article Reviews; Late Ice Age Hunting Technology (Heidi Knecht) Scientific American, July 1994

27 Marshack, Alexander, 1991; The Roots Of Civilization - Moyer Bell Limited, Mt Kisco, New York.

28 Erin Schirtzinger, December 6, 1994; The Evidence for Pleistocene Burials, Neandertals versus Modern Humans

29 Dog domestication

30 Reeser, Ken, 1994; "Earliest Art: Representative Art In The Upper Paleolithic Era" (after: Marshack, 1991; Grand, 1967; Ucko, Peter J., and Rosenfeld, Andre, 1967; Brown, G. Baldwin, 1932; Breuil, Abbe H., date unknown) (unpublished)

31 Gee, Henry 1997; Origins: Was first tool maker not a human? Nature Science Update

32 November 21, 1996; Earliest Human Ancestors 400,000 Older Than Previously Thought ScienceWeb homepage; Adapted in part from a University of Toronto Media release. Starry Messenger Communications Feedback

33 Jim Foley, date unknown, Hominid Species page from the Fossil Hominids FAQ at the

34 April 3rd, 1997 Neandertals Lived Harmoniously AAAS Science News Service

35 Stone, Merlin © 1976 When God Was A Woman - Harvest/Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, San Diego, New York, London

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Your knowlege wanted...

When I started this project, I did it for my own, hobbyist's reasons, because there was no such compilation of information and theories available to me. At that time my criteria for source data was, loosely, "It looks and seems credible to me." I am not a slouch, but my word does not count for much in the scientific world, and so I wish to fill out my citations to achieve a higher degree of credibility. Also, my computer was nearly pre-historic, and so much of what I did cite did not come with complete information, because my web browser could not read it. And, of course, time takes its toll on any and all good theories, and I have not done a proper update since its completion in August of 1997.

I am looking for better sources to back up the claims presented herein, or information that would contradict anything presented. Finally, I would deply appreciate any corrections that are obvious, such as replacing the word "descendants" with "ancestors" (thanks, Erik ).

I am also compiling a list of questions which I could not find any satisfactory answers to a year ago, such as, "What exactly ARE the anatomical differences between Archaic sapiens and anatomically modern sapiens?" Please check again here for that list.

My preference is published data from the most reputable sources, such as Science, Nature, etc., with an URL address, if possible. The level of technical validity of the source would depend, of course, on the data itself. Thanks for your assistance will be duly noted in updates.

Tech/HTML Help Needed

I am an amature at this thing as well, as will show if you looked at the source document. Given my simple understanding, I need some hints on how to do the following tasks:

  • How to position a pic exactly where I want it on a page, not just left, right or center.
  • How to wrap my text around such a pic, not just above or below it.
  • How to control my text more completely in general, without using the pre-format instruction, which precludes links, pics, etc.

I also have a couple of timeline charts which I really want to add to this site, but which I drew on an OLD Claris draw application, and which i cannot seem to view on or translate into the PC format. I can post it to my BBS site and view it on my old mac, but it is not visible when I look at if from my PC. Can anybody help me translate the damn things?

Please Email me at