Guestbook by Lpage

This page is for all those who have died valiantly.. er. Wait, that's not right. (consults crib notes) Ah, yes.

This page is information on those who have been invloved in the creation of any part of the SLD universe. (and a sort of thanks to them as well) Not too long a list, for now, but (hopefully), it will get bigger.

Kenneth Krekeler

Kenneth is writing The Chosen: Resurrection, and the updated versions of the finished chapters can be found on the fanfics page. Kenneth has also drawn fan art of both Dark and Light Chosen, which you can find on the fanart page.

Saphire Rose

Saphire was nice enough to draw fanart, among other things. She drew an anime-style picture of The Chosen and Mina, which you can check out on the fanart page. As for the other things.. *smirk*. Never you mind. She also gave me a lot of encouragement to work on this site.. gee, thanks. As if I don't have enough to do.

Odango pestered me for about half a year to get Perchance to Dream finished, and while I am eternally grateful, I can not resist this chance for revenge. She also proofread Perchance to Dream, so if you find any mistakes, it is her fault. :)

Albert Vest

Albet seemed to dissapear for a while there, but he was recently contacted, and, to the surprise (and dismay) of the maintainer of this site, he is alive and well. He is, or will be, or at least, says he might be, resuming work on his fanfic, which comes between the two volumes of Shades of Light and Darkness. He also edited part three of The Chosen, and has offered ideas and advice and is at least partially responsible for the title of this little fanfic universe. He would like to tell all people out there: "I am NOT running an online business. And I'm NOT interested in mass-mailing software or pirated passwords. ;-)" I personally think he's just crying out for attention. Send him lots of junk mail.

David Kogan

Author of The Chosen, Perchance to Dream, and humble maintainer of this site. *retreats into the all-concealing shadow*.

Samah Sohrab

Way back last year, Samah proofread the first part of The Chosen for its rerelease in September. When I released Shades of Light and Darkness as a whole, he proofread the whole thing, finding some of the things he has missed in the first part, as well as a lot of proofreading mistakes in the other parts. That proofreading was an immense help.

Jim Rodlin

Jim gave me a few ideas for changes in The Chosen which ideas I implemented in the final version of the fic. He also gave the idea for the stanzas at the beginnings of Perchance to Dream, and he wrote at least some of them. At this point, I do not remember which ones, but I am grateful.

These are the people who have helped make a bunch of stories into a universe. If you would like to join this list, if you wish to write or draw to add to the Shades of Light and Darkness universe, see the contact page for more information.

HTML and maintenance by David Kogan.