c o m m u n i o n

Hello, and welcome to a place we can all call home. I've only just started to work here, and I'm in desperate need of suggestions and if you'd care to donate anything to the cause, email me at the address listed below.

Progress here might be a little slow at first, while the direction this site will take is still being determined, but once it is, expect much progress...

I love you all very much, and wish that our communion could be in the flesh, but it's a wonderful thing that we can use the internet as a means of deepening our collective bond. I hope to hear from all of you about this as soon as you can find the time to share.

May the road rise with you...

[ Mission Statement ] [ A Traveler ] [ Oh NO! ] [ Waves ] [ Tantra ] [ Some Groovy Links ] [ Navelgazing ]
[ Gracias ] [ Lovers ] [ Etcetera ] [ Wishing ] [ Op/Ed ]

[ email me!! PLEASE!! *lol* ]


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