Horrible Houston

Experience: Peter Murphy, Cullen Performance Hall, Houston, TX 1990

Groupies involved: Travis, Little Stephen, Ramona, Kyle

Ramona and Stephen on the road loving every minute of it

Travis opening the door to Satan's highway

As you can see from the pics, Houston was not that exciting.

No one got any sleep the night before and Little Stephen managed to wiggle his way into another groupie road trip.

We left Dallas, Kyle driving, at 2 pm. Going 110 mph (Kyle was wide awake) on the Texas Highways, we reached Houston at 5 pm.

Ready to see another show, we picked up our tickets at the box office and we were on the guest list. Kyle managed to have several tickets on the list, so he sold those and guess who he split the money with? Little Stephen (do you see a theme running here?).

We watched the concert...again...and waited at the back as usual. By this time, we were all pretty worn out and ready to go to sleep. No Peter Murphy sightings (all I want is one lousy picture), but Travis and Kyle did get their 15 minutes of fame. Out of nowhere, all these people just started taking pictures of them thinking they were with the band...if only.

Pretty boring story. I turned into Evil E since I was driving home on no sleep. I was hallucinating and a couple of times I nodded off for a second. But even Houston couldn't keep me from seeing another damn Peter Murphy/NIN show. I had graduated to a Chicago roadtrip...

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